フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
“ABC Theater has become **the** favored alphabet app in my house” (SmartAppsforKids.com) "Lots of love packed in this app!" (BestAppsforKids.org) “One of the best Apps out there for preschoolers to learn the alphabet!” – S.L (Teacher) “This app is great! My little son loves it! It's perfect for children to learn the alphabet” – P.J (Parent) “My little guy remains engaged and enjoys each section of the app” – K.S (Parent) Lift the curtain. Start the music. The show is about to begin! Welcome to ABC Theater, where your child w...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Airing weekdays at 5:00 for just one year, “Theater Five” was an unexpected gift: an ambitious, expensive, and sophisticated series launched just when radio drama was dismissed as dead. By the summer of ’64 all the action had moved to television, with radio reduced to tunes and hourly news. Yet a network saw fit to launch a lavish new series, offering comedy, science fiction, suspense, horror, fantasy, crime, and melodrama to adults of adventurous taste. Some episodes merged two or three genres at once. Although it wasn’t clear wh...
[ エンターテインメント ]
The Screen Guild Theater is a popular radio anthology series during the Golden Age of Radio, broadcast from 1939 until 1952, with leading Hollywood actors performing in adaptations of popular motion pictures such as Going My Way and The Postman Always Rings Twice. The show had a long run, lasting for 14 seasons and 527 episodes. It aired under several different titles: The Gulf Screen Guild Show, The Gulf Screen Guild Theater, The Lady Esther Screen Guild Theater and The Camel Screen Guild Theater. Actors on the series included E...
[ 教育 ]
“This app is great! My little son loves it! It's perfect for children to learn the alphabet” – P.J (Parent) “My little guy remains engaged and enjoys each section of the app” – K.S (Parent) "Lots of love packed in this app!" (BestAppsforKids.org) “One of the best App's out there for preschoolers to learn the alphabet!” – S.L (Teacher) Lift the curtain. Start the music. The show is about to begin! Welcome to ABC Theater, where your child will learn the alphabet the fun way! Developed in collaboration with academic experts on ...
[ ビデオ ]
美しく洗練されたデザインのiMovieは、あなたが撮影したビデオからまったく新しいストーリーを生み出します。ビデオライブラリをチェックする。みんなと思い出を共有する。美しいHDムービーやハリウッド映画のような予告編を作成する。すべてが思いのまま。さらにiCloudを使えば、あなたが持っているすべてのデバイスのiMovie Theaterでそれらを楽しむことができます。 ビデオをすばやく探して共有しよう • ビデオライブラリをビデオブラウズモードで楽しめます。 • クリップ全体や一部分を抜き出して簡単に共有できます。 • バックグラウンドでの読み込みとAVCHD形式の標準対...
[ ミュージック ]
ヤマハのHOME THEATER CONTROLLERを使えば、 iPhoneやiPod touch、iPadからホームシアターシステム製品を直感的に、より快適にご使用いただけます。 対応機器 YAS-108,ATS-1080 YAS-207,ATS-2070,YAS-107,ATS-1070 ATS-1520,ATS-1030,ATS-1050,ATS-1060 YAS-152,YAS-103,YAS-203,YAS-105,YAS-106 YSP-1400,YSP-2500,SRT-1000,SRT-700,SBS-100 HTY-250,YRS-1500,YRS-2500 特徴 -ボリューム調整、入力ソースの切替え、サラウンド選択などの本体操作 -自動または手動でのビーム設定(YSP-2500, YRS-2500, YRS-1500に対応) -部屋のサイズを入力することによる詳細なビーム設定(Y...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Intelliremote for iPhone/iPod Touch is a native iPhone application that allows you to remote control your home theater PC running Windows. Since the iPhone uses a network connection it does not need "line-of-sight" like traditional infrared remotes and you can use it anywhere in or out of your house! The purpose of this program is simple: to allow complete remote control of your Home Theater PC from your iPhone with the touch of a finger. While Apple has provided an iPhone remote for ITunes...what about the rest of us that do not ...
[ ゲーム ]
When a masked assailant wreaks havoc on a theater in Vienna, you rush to investigate. You quickly arrive to find that this is no ordinary criminal. A dangerous phantom has descended on the local opera house, promising swift justice for past wrongs! This theater is filled with history and secrets. With the lives of both patrons and performers at stake, time is of the essence! Do you have what it takes to uncover the deadly secrets surrounding the opera and unmask the malevolent entity before it’s too late? Find out in this riveting ...
[ ゲーム ]
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. - General George Patton ★★★★ NEW Generals Mode iPhone iPad, and iPod touch users can now immerse themselves in the European battles of World War II with the launch of Last Front: Europe from developer Plow Games. An intense strategy-based gaming experience, Last Front: Europe offers players three modes of game play, as well as the ability to customize accounts and create their own maps. REVIEWS: ★★★★★ ****TouchMyApps: Grab It ****TouchArcade: Five Stars **...
[ エンターテインメント ]
【シアターコンプレックスTOWNとは】 舞台やミュージカルをはじめ、キャストによるライブ配信やここでしか見られない独占プログラムを、お手持ちのスマホ、タブレット、パソコンで楽しめる、舞台専門プラットフォームです。 ◆舞台プログラムが見放題 人気の舞台映像やここでしか見られない独占プログラムがいつでも何度でも楽しめる!今まさに上演中の公演もリアルタイムで視聴可能。 ◆ライブ配信が楽しめる 通常の配信はもちろん、コラボ配信やラジオ配信など、多様な配信スタイルが楽しめる!コメントやアンケート機能を使えば推しとの交流も! ◆豊富な対応デバイス パソコ...
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