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[ ユーティリティ ]
Sleep Relaxation Pro contains 9 AUTHENTIC Beautiful Recording: * ETERNAL SLUMBER 10 minutes recording * RESTFUL NAP 10 minutes recording *SPACE TRAVEL 10 minutes recording *SERENITY 10 minutes recording *SOLITUDE 10 minutes recording *BE AT EASE 10 minutes recording *WAKE BLISS 10 minutes recording *BALANCE SLUMBER 10 minutes recording *ZWIND 10 minutes recording -No Advertisement -Supports Multitasking! -This App Works Best Only with Headphone *************************** -The best naturally relaxing sound! ...
[ ブック ]
Quatorze (14) nouvelles écrites « sous Facebook » comme aime à le dire leur auteur, Éric Neirynck. Il s’est librement inspiré du fameux réseau social. Ces nouvelles ont pris leurs sources dans les différents statuts, articles, commentaires et réactions publiés sur son réseau d’« amis ». Mais ces petits textes vont au-delà de Facebook, ils sont de véritables vignettes de la vie. Facebook, mon amour ! C’est : Une rencontre qui donne lieu à une folle avidité des chairs, L’amour et ses peines, son universalité, au-delà des conventions...
[ ブック ]
HAPPINESS IS AN INSIDE JOB by Sylvia Boorstein, Ph.D. (unabridged) is presented by Blackstone Audio and comes with what is perhaps the best audiobook app available (see FEATURES, below). How can we stay engaged with life day after day? How can we continue to love what we do year after year? These are the questions best-selling author and beloved teacher Sylvia Boorstein asked herself. The result is her best work to date, a warm, wise, and instructive book on how we can cultivate happiness even when the odds are against us. In...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Let’s Get Together. Our latest issue embodies the spirit of the holidays: a time when we make our way back to where we came from, to the people who make us remember who we are and all we want to be. Connections like these are the ones to hold near, to cherish. We dedicate this issue to our families, whichever form they may take. IN THIS ISSUE YOU WILL FIND: ● The fashion: She has joined Peter Lindbergh’s black-and-white girl gang and been granted membership to Louis ● Vuitton’s inner circle, and now Steffy Argelich fronts our cov...
[ メディカル ]
Once upon a time there was a tired child, an exhausted, innocent baby that needed sleep but was not able to fall into dreamland. Then his resourceful parents learned that there is an app for that. Lullaby is an application that has a vast array of classic soothing lullabies from yesteryear, peaceful songs that are soft-noted and gentle, selected to calm and hush your child into dreamland. We have created a timing setting which allows your chosen lullaby to gently end after your selected time, and of course it is very easy to us...
[ ブック ]
In This Day with the Master, author Dennis Kinlaw brings a unique perspective, rich with life experiences to the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Moses and Joshua, King David and King Solomon, and others who have looked for God in times of quiet solitude. Through their successes and failures we learn how to spend each one of our days with the Lord. Features: • 365 enriching devotionals. • Scripture reference for each devotional. • Scripture text pop-up window to read scripture references not included in the text. (Requires interne...
[ 教育 ]
This children's meditation app by Heather Bestel has been lovingly created to help children find their inner calm. It is ideally suitable for children aged 4 to 7 years of age, (check Heather's other apps for older kids). Your kids can listen to the meditation audio tracks at home, during chill out time, at bedtime, on long journeys, before exams or anytime they need to switch off and relax. Children can also use this app in school, at the beginning or end of each class, in the chill out zone and during circle time. Teaching yo...
[ ミュージック ]
Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man”. It is a companion which no misfortune can depress-no crime destroys-no enemy alienates-no despotism enclave. At home: It is a friend; aboard: an introduction; in solitude: a solace; and in society: an ornament. It disciplines the feelings, restrains the passions, inspires the true and worthy motives instills a profound belief and confidence and inculcates the qualities that uphold the spiral growth of spirit towards perfection. Memory is the friend of wit, the ally of...
[ ゲーム ]
You will Love this beautiful jigsaw puzzle collection! Amazing illustrations by one of the finest current landscape artists, now in digital format. Dominic Davison creates scenes packed with the serenity of solitude in nature, surrounded by floral beauty, and centered on quaintly styled but luxuriously sized homes. Perfect fit for a jigsaw puzzle game! That's why cardboard and wooden jigsaw puzzles with images by Dominic are so popular and sold worldwide. if you are a jigsaw fan, chances are you have already played one of his puz...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Jean-Luc Desset 27 mars 1974 Lives and works in Paris Artist, gay, vegan and earth friendly CHOCOLATE FREAKS ... Chocolate Freaks, c’est une invasion de personnages kawaii, issus de l’imagerie manga. Ils s’accumulent, se montent dessus, s’empilent, mais jamais ne se rencontrent. Ils prennent la pose, les yeux fixes, l’attitude figée. JL POP/ MINI JLPOP/ POPMAN ... La série JL POP est une immersion dans différents univers imaginaires, différents fonds et un visage autoportrait qui revient systématiquement. Comme un tampon qui ...
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