フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ゲーム ]
Nylon Magazine's current App of the Month!
"There's a lot to experience in Desi Leaves Town, a fascinating title that's more than it seems." - tuaw.com
Desi Leaves Town tells the story of Desi, a frog so dissatisfied with the vulgarity of his current life, that he decides to retire to the country, in hope of realizing every last one of his aesthetic ideals in peace and solitude.
Created as an interactive story book, Desi Leaves Town unfolds through beautifully animated segments that allow the user to solve tasks that are not on...
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[ ゲーム ]
Nylon Magazine's current App of the Month!
"There's a lot to experience in Desi Leaves Town, a fascinating title that's more than it seems." - tuaw.com
Desi Leaves Town tells the story of Desi, a frog so dissatisfied with the vulgarity of his current life, that he decides to retire to the country, in hope of realizing every last one of his aesthetic ideals in peace and solitude.
Created as an interactive story book, Desi Leaves Town unfolds through beautifully animated segments that allow the user to solve tasks that are not on...
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[ 教育 ]
Exposition présentée au Grand Palais du 10 octobre 2012 au 28 janvier 2013
Au premier regard, les peintures d’Edward Hopper charment par leur apparente simplicité ainsi que par la parfaite illustration qu’elles semblent donner de l’Amérique. Cependant, au-delà d’une certaine objectivité, l’artiste conduit le spectateur plus loin : il interroge le mythe, la ville moderne, la solitude… Influencé par le cinéma et la photographie, mais aussi par Vermeer et Degas, l’artiste américain fait, pour la première fois en France, l’objet d’une ...
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[ ブック ]
Kevin M. Hughes is a master photographer who has spent the past twenty years exploring and photographing the wilderness landscapes of the United States. Theatresky is a collection of those photographs as well as observations on life in the solitude of the wild. It can be considered a modern American adventure story, told in visuals, and a testament to the idea that you should never stop exploring.
“One of my goals for this project was to have people finish the book and be excited to go out and experience something similar for t...
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[ ブック ]
Le Horla est une nouvelle fantastique de Guy de Maupassant.
Le narrateur habite une belle demeure en bord de Seine. Sa vie s’écoule, sereine, semblable aux bateaux qui défilent devant ses fenêtres.
Mais il semble gagné peu à peu par une maladie étrange...
Est-ce seulement la solitude qui pèse sur son âme? Est-il en train de sombrer dans la folie ? Y a-t-il réellement un être invisible qui rôde autour de lui ?
Au fil de la narration audio, qui dure un peu plus d'une heure, le texte de la nouvelle défile, agrémenté d'illustrat...
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[ 教育 ]
World Famous Literature
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
The Gadfly
Madame Bovary
Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
The Catcher in the Rye
Eugenie Grandet
Father Goriot
The Count of Monte Cristo
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
Les Miserables
Pride And prejudice
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
The application is designed for IPad and represents the project of Attila Lorant called 3X3 52 486.
Please read the instructions before you start the application.
1.In the gallery you can swipe right and left between the pictures, the timing is set to approximately a second so the speed of the project is slow, please be patient. The content/title of the 3x3 matrix pictures comes up with clicking on them.
2.The Endless Matrix Menu starts an endless process that shows all the mathematical combination of the 486 pictures. There was ...
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[ メディカル ]
Vous accompagnez un proche âgé à domicile ; vous pensez qu’il est temps d’envisager l’entrée en maison de retraite mais ne savez pas à qui faire appel, ni comment choisir le « bon » établissement et le « bon » moment.
L’application ORPEA est faite pour vous !
Vous y trouverez des réponses et des conseils pratiques pour vous orienter dans votre recherche et vous aider à trouver la maison de retraite la plus adaptée à vos attentes ; ainsi que les coordonnées de plus de 220 maisons de retraite en France, à votre service pour répondre...
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[ ゲーム ]
A glimpse to a future land
when creatures have evolved too soon.
There is no person left around,
only a child longing for his moon.
Exploring the remains devoured by the wild
through rocks, hunger, cold and solitude
A struggle to regain the beauty of the light
Trees, water, sands and altitude.
Who is to shelter in the darkest of the nights?
Who shall vanish the fears of the youth?
The Earth is rotten, lethal to the heart,
The mind of the younger moarning for a hug.
The invitation is at hand
Here's the entrance opened for you.
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