フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
The ConfettiDisk application for iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, gives you a simple way to view your documents anywhere, even without an internet connection. The first time, just log in with the userName and password of your ConfettiDisk account, and synchronize your files and folders from your virtual disk to your device. Features: - Synchronize files and folders from your virtual disk to your device - View MSOffice, OpenOffice, PDF documents, images and play music or video (limited to the supported file type of the iOS) You must su...
[ 教育 ]
This brand new video series shows you exactly how to Create a presentation (Like Power Point) using free open source software. Power point presentations are great tools for impressing your potential clients, and even for creating personal projects that really POP! A professional quality presentation can be created absolutely FREE! You can do this using the Open Office Suite. I will show you exactly how to install and set up Open Office and use the Presentation Suite to help you create beautiful Power Point Presentations. All yo...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
StatPlus allows iOS users to perform various methods of data analysis from the basic to complex analysis, including non-parametric analysis, ANOVA (with post-hoc tests), regression analysis (includes residuals analysis, heteroscedasticity tests, collinearity diagnostics), survival analysis (probit analysis and LD50 calculation, ROC curves analysis and comparison, life tables and Kaplan-Meier), time series analysis (autocorrelation function analysis, unit root tests), quality control (capability analysis, control charts) and other m...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
SA Group Mailはグループメールを送るのに最適なツールです。例えば「こんにちは、名前{firstname}さん...」とメールを作成すると、そこにアプリケーションが名前を入れ込みます。すると「こんにちは、良一さん…」、「こんにちは、明美さん…」などというメッセージが作成されます。 SA Group MailはiPhoneの電話帳の宛先にメールを簡単に送ることができるツールです。グループや個人の宛先を選び、定型文や宛先別の文章を打ち込んで送信するだけです。 SA Group Mailを使ってできること: 1. ExcelファイルからUSB、WiFi、電子メール経由でグループメールをインポートします。 ...
[ ビジネス ]
テンプレートアプリにはMS Word&iWork Pages用のテンプレートが300個以上もあります。お使いのデバイス用に、20個を超えるドキュメントテンプレートカテゴリから閲覧いただけます。 カテゴリ: アジェンダ、ブック、パンフレット、予算、名刺、カレンダー、カード、証明書、契約書、ファックス、チラシ、用紙、招待状、請求書、手紙、レターヘッド、メモ、議事録、ニュースレター、領収書、報告書、履歴書、スケジュール、文房具、タイムシート、その他多数! お使いのデバイス用のテンプレートを、上記のお気に入りのカテゴリからダウンロード、またはテンプレートストアからダ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
SA Group Textはグループメッセージを送るのに最適なツールです。受信者の名前と電話番号、定型文や宛先別に編集されたメッセージをExcelシートに直接書き込むことができます。例えば「こんにちは、名前{firstname}さん...」とメッセージを作成すると、そこにアプリケーションが名前を入れ込みます。すると「こんにちは、良一さん…」、「こんにちは、明美さん…」などというメッセージが作成されます。 パソコンでExcelのワークシートを改めて編集することなく、Excelのデータを利用することができます。SA Group Text上でExcelファイルを選び、メッセージだけをささっと入力して...
[ ビジネス ]
ContactExport Lite has been designed specifically with Gmail and Outlook in mind. It allows you to export your iPhone/iPad address book for import into Gmail, Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird or simply read into a spreadsheet program such as Excel, Numbers, and OpenOffice. The app does NOT require iTunes, synchronization, access to your Gmail or Outlook accounts. If you are looking for a simple, no-hassle, no-configuration app which will let you transfer your iPhone/iPad contacts to your Gmail account or Outlook address book, this...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
A simplest tool that would help you send file to Google Docs™ repository straight from the iPhone. Why it's so simple? All you need to do is just to open some file with this app, complete your Google™ credentials and tap "Deliver it". An app can help you when: ✓ You want to quickly save somewhere currently opened document ✓ You often use Google Docs and need to upload file from the iPhone Where: ✓ at home ✓ at school ✓ at office ✓ away from keyboard App handles all document files supported by Google Docs™. Including OpenOffice...
[ ビジネス ]
ContactExport Lite has been designed specifically with Gmail and Outlook in mind. It allows you to export your iPhone/iPad address book for import into Gmail, Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird or simply read into a spreadsheet program such as Excel, Numbers, and OpenOffice. The app does NOT require iTunes, synchronization, access to your Gmail or Outlook accounts. If you are looking for a simple, no-hassle, no-configuration app which will let you transfer your iPhone/iPad contacts to your Gmail account or Outlook address book, this...
[ ビジネス ]
SpeakerNotes is a simple presentation tool that augments the application you currently use to create slides. While leading presentation authoring tools will allow you to display simple slide shows, SpeakerNotes provides many capabilities that you will not find in other tools. Further, Speakers centralizes all of your presentations into a single repository that you can carry with you on your iPad. SpeakerNotes offers many advanced features: General -Full integration with the DropBox file service, allowing you to easily publish ...
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