フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
MyScript® MathPad があれば、画面上に手書きで方程式や数式を入力するだけで、それらの式が自動的にデジタルに変換されるので、簡単に共有できます。 制約のない自由な手書きで複雑な数式を簡単にレンダリング。変換後の式は画像として、または LaTeX* や MathML* の文字列として文書内に挿入できます。 MyScript® MathPad は、紙面上に数式を書くのと同じ要領で使用できます。その上、デジタルデバイスならではの利点 (スクラッチアウト、元に戻す、やり直す、...) もあります。 特徴と機能 - 方程式を LaTeX* や MathML*、または画像としてエクスポート。 - キーボード...
[ ユーティリティ ]
● Write the math expression with your finger or Apple Pencil. ● MathKey will convert your handwriting to : - LaTeX/MathML expression for Pages, Numbers, Word and any LaTeX/MathML compatible app. - image for any other app that is compatible with images. ● Remote Keyboard : connect MathKey to your computer via our website and paste generated content right on your computer ! ● Pick any color for both LaTeX, MathML and image output. You can save up to 20 colors. ● When converting to an image, paste it from the pasteboard or...
[ ブック ]
GitdenReader is the best eBook Reader which is easy to use with a good intuitive user interface and supports not only EPUB 2 spec standard but also EPUB 3 at the highest levels. 1. Supports EPUB 3.0 standard most faithfully - Reflowable book and fixed layout book - Media Overlay not only in fixed layout book but also in reflowable book - Javascript and CSS3 superbly (You can create an interactive ebook such as marking a test in real time) - MathML(math equation) and SVG embedded in epub file properly - 99% of MathML 3.0 with embed...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
This is a math equation editor which could export the result as picture, LaTeX, MathML, UnicodeMath(Word). Include variables, binary operators, arrows, relations, brackets, underline, overline, accents, fraction, radical, large operator... Just download and have a try. ----- Functions: 1. Mathematical formula editing. 2. Import & Export - LaTeX (Pages, Keynote) - MathML (Pages, Keynote) - UnicodeMath (Word) - Export Image 3. Mathematical formula library: - You can create several formula libraries at the same time, and each f...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Markdown MakerはiPadやiPhone(およびApple Siliconを搭載したmacOS)向けの革新的で柔軟性とパワーを兼ね備え、しかも使いやすいMarkdownテキストエディタです。私たちのMarkdownエンジンは標準的なシンタックスをサポートし、さらに非常に有用な追加マークアップ項目(MultiMarkdown):テーブル、脚注、リスト、画像、リンク、ハイライト、打ち消し線、上付き文字、MathML、などを含めて拡張されています。 Markdown Makerは、MacDown、Ulysses、IA Writer、Mou、などのパソコン上のドキュメントとも互換性があります。 + 書く。フォーマット · Markdown Makerでは、マー...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Symeditor is a completely new formula editor, which is suitable for people in education, teaching, scientific research institutions, engineering and other fields, easy to write complex mathematical and physical formulas and symbols, a necessary tool for science students! Features: 1. Fully interactive and visual formula editing 2. Easy to learn, easy to control 3. Support multiple symbols and powerful functions Common, arrow, Greek character, geometric symbol, relation symbol, set, matrix, integral, etc 4. Support to share lat...
[ 教育 ]
Learn Math Tutorials. The word math stands for mathematics. It is a field of study. The word mathematics originates from the Greek word máthema. The meaning of máthema word is science, knowledge or learning. Both math and maths are short forms of mathematics. So, the word mathematics is the same as math. These short words often used by students and their schools for arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. Commonly, there is no accepted definition of math. Aristotle defined mathematics as, the science of quantity. The definition given b...
[ 教育 ]
Convert your handwritten math to typeset math! Here's how it works: 1. Handwrite your math expression. 2. Copy a representation of your math expression to your clipboard or Camera Roll, or send it to your laptop or desktop computer via a browser. 3. Paste the clipboard or Camera Roll contents into other apps (e.g., Pages, Notability, Explain Everything) That's it! Add typeset versions of math you handwrite on your iPad to applications running on your Laptop or Desktop computer (e.g., iBooks Author and Microsoft Word). You c...
[ 教育 ]
Whether you’re a student, educator, researcher, or technical professional, take your math notes to the next level with MoboMath. Just write math expressions like you do on paper and MoboMath will convert your handwriting into formatted equations that can be evaluated, graphed, and used in reports, presentations, and web pages. Organize your notes by subject or project so they are easy to find and use whenever you need them. MoboMath supports a wide range of math — from simple arithmetic to algebra, calculus, and more. Choose the e...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Pagesは、モバイルデバイスのためにつくられた最も美しい文書作成Appです。手始めにAppleがデザインしたテンプレートを使って、豪華なレポート、デジタルブック、履歴書、ポスターなどを素早く作成してみましょう。空白の書類を使って独自のデザインで作成することもできます。画像、ムービー、オーディオ、表、グラフ、図形も簡単に加えることができます。Apple Pencil(サポートしているデバイス)や自分の指を使って描画したり注釈を挿入することもできます。PagesはiPad、iPhone専用に設計されています。 Apple Pencilや自分の指を使って描画や注釈を挿入 • ペン、鉛筆、ク...
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