フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Use EQ Reader to create high quality web documents from a simple text document on your iPhone or iPad. EQ Writer uses Markdown formatted text and MathJax to create HTML documents. EQ Reader is a simple and elegant solution to putting your work, especially highly technical work out onto the Web. EQ Reader also lets you render and resize mathML and TeX equations, copy PNG versions of them to the clipboard, and store these equations for later use. Markdown support includes list auto-completion, auto-indentation, and a custom toolbar...
[ 教育 ]
Use EQ Writer to create high quality web documents from a simple text document on your iPhone or iPad. EQ Writer uses Markdown formatted text and MathJax to create HTML, XML, and ePub documents. EQ Writer is a simple and elegant solution to putting your work, especially highly technical work out onto the Web. Includes complete Dropbox syncing, TextExpander Touch support, integrated math support including TeX macros, math to image conversion, and the ability to render MathML, TeX, and ASCII math using an embedded MathJax library. ...
[ 教育 ]
Repetitions is a cross-platform spaced repetition system (SRS), an intelligent flashcard application that makes learning and memorization easy. An SRS optimizes your learning process by using a sophisticated algorithm that schedules the best time a card should be displayed. Essentially, difficult to remember cards appear for review more often than easy to remember cards so you don't waste time on things you already know. It's a clean, simple, and easy to use application that allows you to study and synchronize your flashcards acro...
[ 教育 ]
EQ Editor lets you create and edit math equations and export them into PDF, PNG, MathML, TeX and HTML formats. You can use its intuitive interface to quickly create math equations and copy them into your favorite apps, print them to any AirPrint capable printer and email them to other users.
[ 教育 ]
xQuestionはテスト問題を作成、共有し、その問題に挑戦するための教育アプリです。自分で多肢選択又は書き込み式のテストをExcelシートに作成し、iPhone/iPad/iPod touchにインポートすることで、どこででも自分の都合に合わせて問題に繰返し挑戦することができます。この繰返しが機械的暗記力の向上をサポートします。 xQuestionは記憶力を向上させ、学習を効果的に行う能力を高める学習ツールでもあります。概念、方程式、問題解決方法、戦略などを覚えたい時、それらを覚えるために、関連する問題とその回答を書き出して下さい。そして、xQuestionsを使い、完璧に覚えるまで...
[ 教育 ]
Mac上で利用可能になりました人気のある数学のiOSアプリ。 私たちのモットー: "むしろ絶望より理解する。" 数学アプリは生徒、保護者、教師に数学への容易なアクセスを提供。 steps2Mathは数学演習だけではなくを解決します。 それに対応するソリューションの個々のステップを示し、説明しています。 Mac版は、教師に特に適している。 することができます演習: • 、iCloud上に格納 • LaTeXの、MathMLの(アルファ)HTMLとPNGにエクスポート • プリント、 • 自宅での準備 • そして学校でiPadやiPhone上で演習を開きます。 (お気に入りの下:必須アプリ内購入とiCloudの) そ...
[ ニュース ]
An efficient way to manages your news feeds. A satisfying news reader for your articles. A customizable tool for your iPhone and iPad. Features: Feed Specific (Enable in Feed Settings) - Automatic get full-text from RSS feed and read offline. - Render math equation(Tex, LaTex, MathML) Sync Services - Inoreader. iPad Specific - Support Split View and Slide Over General - Manage feeds by pin and folder. - Auto-mark as read on scroll. - Multiple keywords searching. - Provide multiple fonts for the article view, including Source ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
marktext値下げテキストエディタとiosアプリに注意している。リアルタイムの構文をハイライトして値下げメモを書いて、htmlへの変換、pngまたはpdf、他のアプリを共有して、あなたのiPhoneとiPadとマックでドライブを介してiCloud同期(iCloud drvieフォルダ)。 #キーを特徴とします: 美しい値下げ構文の強調表示します。 cursorを移動するには、キーボード上のバーに通す。 cssとhtmlのプレビュー。 変化のテーマのスタイル、フォントサイズ。 iTunesとhtmlでエクスポートノートを介してノートをインポートし、pngまたはpdf形式です。 ×Evernote Dropboxを共有して、メモ、...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
*****Learn HTML 5,best for you《Tutorial for HTML5》 -----HTML5 is the latest and most enhanced version of HTML. -----Technically, HTML is not a programming language, but rather a markup language. -----This tutorial gives very good understanding on HTML5. ---include: *****HTML-5 Tutorial:Syntax、Attributes、Events、Web Forms 2.0、SVG、MathML、Web Storage、Web SQL、Server-Sent Events、WebSocket、Canvas、Audio & Video、Geolocation、Microdata、Drag and drop、Web Workers *****HTML5 Tag Reference:Tags Reference、Deprecated Tags、New Ta...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Namo Books는 국제 표준 포맷인 EPUB3/EPUB2를 기본으로 지원하는 전자책 뷰어입니다. Namo Books는 Namo Author에서 제작된 다양한 전자책 콘텐츠를 최적화하여 보여줍니다. A.국제 표준 EPUB3, EPUB2 지원 B.Fixed Layout과 Reflowable Layout 동시 및 혼재형 지원 C.원본 EPUB 파일 유지로 보안을 강화하고 용량 부하가 없는 전자책 보기 기능 지원 D.일본어 세로쓰기 및 다국어(아랍어, 히브리어 등) 지원 E.EPUB 파일에 포함된 내장 폰트로 보기 기능 지원 F.만화책 (이미지) 보기 모드 지원 G.패드 또는 탭과 같은 디바이스에서 가로/세로 방향 따른 차별화된 보기 모드 ...
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