フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Number Maestro Lite helps keep your brain active and alert with an addictive number sequence search that is simple to learn and fun to play. Functionality: ● Each grid contains a series of number sequences each with at least four numbers. ● The numbers in any particular sequence increment by a fixed value between two and nine. ● Sequences can be placed horizontally (either left to right, or right to left), or vertically (either top to bottom, or bottom to top). ● Select numbers by dragging a line across the tiles on the grid. ● Wh...
[ ゲーム ]
Word Maestro Lite helps keep your brain active and alert with an addictive word search that is simple to learn and fun to play. Functionality: ● Select words by dragging a line across the characters on the grid. ● When a correct word is found then it is highlighted on the grid and the word list. ● The word list can be hidden, or partially revealed for a more difficult game. ● Improve your spelling and vocabulary in a fun environment. ● Integration with Game Center, compare your times against your friends and other players. ● Upgra...
[ ゲーム ]
"Maestro is a chaotic, lovely experience... " - indiegames.com "... you seriously need to check out Maestro." - Touch Arcade "...to understand how excellent Maestro is, you need to play it. And you need to hear it...I like Maestro so much I'd buy it for you. Get it. It's for iPhone and iPad. It's wonderful. " - Kotaku "Maestro is a delicious treat for eyes, ears, and intellect. It’s a delightful way to spend some time in a nice comfy chair, iPad in hand, with perhaps a glass of wine and fuzzy slippers upon the feet. Bravo to Lu...
[ エンターテインメント ]
塗り絵はリラックスや思考の整理に理想的です。 特に疲れた一日の終わりに効果的ですよ! Artplayとは日常という名の荒れ狂う海に佇むオアシス島です。 そして島へのチケットはもうあなたの手の中にあります! Artplay - とは: • 数百もの手書きイラストから選んで塗り絵ができます • 美しいカラーやグラデーション、模様パターンを使って塗り絵を楽しめます • 素敵なフィルター効果を加えられます • 子供用のイラストのカテゴリもご用意してあります • Instagram、Facebook、Twitterであなたの作品をシェアできます • 塗り絵のプロセスを動画にして書き出せます 全てのイラ...
[ ゲーム ]
Try this immersive, high-quality game for FREE! Then continue the adventure with a ONE TIME unlock! NO VIRTUAL ITEMS, NO INTERRUPTIONS… you’ll OWN this game for life. A mysterious illness has broken out and is causing an entire village to age rapidly and die! Meanwhile, ominous music can be heard wafting through the air… Journey to the quarantined village and find the cause of the deadly disease in Maestro: Music of Death. While you search for the source, find a little girl, who is trapped in the town! Master this Hidden Object ...
[ ゲーム ]
Try this immersive, high-quality game for FREE! Then continue the adventure with a ONE TIME unlock! NO VIRTUAL ITEMS, NO INTERRUPTIONS… you’ll OWN this game for life. A mysterious illness has broken out and is causing an entire village to age rapidly and die! Meanwhile, ominous music can be heard wafting through the air… Journey to the quarantined village and find the cause of the deadly disease in Maestro: Music of Death. While you search for the source, find a little girl, who is trapped in the town! Master this Hidden Object ...
[ ゲーム ]
NO VIRTUAL ITEMS, NO INTERRUPTIONS… you’ll OWN this game for life. A mysterious illness has broken out and is causing an entire village to age rapidly and die! Meanwhile, ominous music can be heard wafting through the air… Journey to the quarantined village and find the cause of the deadly disease in Maestro: Music of Death. While you search for the source, find a little girl, who is trapped in the town! Master this Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game and save the entire village! ***** Features ***** • Powerful graphics enhan...
[ ゲーム ]
NO VIRTUAL ITEMS, NO INTERRUPTIONS… you’ll OWN this game for life. A mysterious illness has broken out and is causing an entire village to age rapidly and die! Meanwhile, ominous music can be heard wafting through the air… Journey to the quarantined village and find the cause of the deadly disease in Maestro: Music of Death. While you search for the source, find a little girl, who is trapped in the town! Master this Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game and save the entire village! ***** Features ***** • Powerful graphics enha...
[ ゲーム ]
フットボールマエストロでは自分だけのサッカークラブを作ってクラブの全てのことが運営することができます。 ラインナップ、戦術設定はもちろんスカウトを通して選手を迎え入れたり友達の選手を借りることもでき、スタッフと施設に投資することでクラブ運営の手助けをしてくれることもあります。 ◎ 簡単な戦術設定 チーム戦術?個人戦術?セットプレイ?やることがいっぱいで複雑そうですか?フットボールマエストロは簡単に戦術を指示しすぐに反応します。 もちろん細かい戦術設定もすることができます。お望みであれば、です。 ◎ ケミストリーシステム フットボールマエ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Grid is a place for projects and plans, Grid helps you keep and organize notes, pictures, people and places in your own unique manner. Grid is a place where your ideas fit. Collaborate: In Grid ideas come together in a way never seen before. Great things happen when brains and ideas intermingle and collide. Grid let's you share and collaborate on any Grid you create right from your iPhone or iPad. Be a Maestro: Grid has a unique way of collecting and expressing your ideas called Maestro. It's a special set of moves that gives you...
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