フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
A musically visual metronome that inspires musical expression rather than mechanical execution. When practicing with this metronome, the animated beat patterns will reinforce the peripheral vision used when following a conductor. Be able to practice without the click, while keeping to a strict tempo. Always know where you are INSIDE the beat with the traditional musical beat patterns developed over ages of musical performance practice, not an arbitrary circle or side to side motion for all meters and styles. This metronome is an ...
[ 旅行 ]
- L’APPLICATION OFFICIELLE TPG – Optimisez vos temps de trajets quotidien et déplacez-vous facilement sur l’ensemble du réseau du Grand Genève, en SUISSE et en FRANCE. tpg+ réunit, en une seule et même application, tous les horaires, toutes les gares et tous les billets dans le canton de Genève et son agglomération transfrontalière (zones 10, 200, 230, 240, 250). Elle englobe aussi le périmètre géographique autour du Léman Express entre Genève, Annecy, Annemasse, Thonon-Evian, Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, Bellegarde, et jusqu’à Coppe...
[ 教育 ]
** Now featuring SMART Notebook Maestro which connects SMART Notebook for iPad to SMART Notebook software. Visit http://go.smarttech.com/notebook-maestro-download to download the Notebook Maestro Add-On to enable this feature in SMART Notebook desktop. ** SMART Notebook for iPad is a light version of the SMART Notebook collaborative learning software. Using this app, you can both use and edit SMART Notebook lesson activities for individual and collaborative learning with an iPad. Features • Pens and Erasers. Draw and write usi...
[ ミュージック ]
A musically visual metronome that inspires musical expression rather than mechanical execution. When practicing with this metronome, the animated beat patterns will reinforce the peripheral vision used when following a conductor. Be able to practice without the click, while keeping to a strict tempo. Always know where you are INSIDE the beat with the traditional musical beat patterns developed over ages of musical performance practice, not an arbitrary circle or side to side motion for all meters and styles. This metronome is an ...
[ ミュージック ]
数秒で素晴らしい音楽を作り始めよう! ただスライド&プレイをタップ!音楽の知識は必要ありません。 Audiobusサポートはこちらです! -互換アプリAudiobusと一緒に指先マエストロを使ってください! http://audiob.us 指先マエストロは、革命的な音楽づくりアプリで、また、年齢、能力に関わらず音楽を簡単に学べるアプリです。なので子供から大人まで楽しめます。この音楽学習アプリは、音楽トレーニングの必要はなく、本物のミュージシャンのような感覚ですぐに演奏できます。ですので、これまで以上に速く音楽を作り、演奏することができます。 良すぎる話だと思います...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Maestro is an excellent system developed by OYO to solve pragmatic complex task management problems. It improves efficiency of getting a field work done by enabling mobile platform to workforce, communication and allowing dynamic workflows
[ 旅行 ]
Ein Fortbewegungsmittel, das zum einem die eigene Gesundheit fördert und gleichzeitig unsere Umwelt schont, hat es verdient, in vielerlei Hinsicht unterstützt zu werden. Unser neuster Service für die wachsende Gruppe begeisterter Radfahrer ist die Giant Tourenplaner App, mit der man nicht „nur“ seine eigene Radtour planen kann, sondern auch Zugriff auf tausende redaktionell bearbeitete Touren hat. Diese App zeigt seinen Usern z.B. den nächsten Giant-Fachhändler an, falls man sein Fahrrad unterwegs oder auch vor Reisebeginn fit ma...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Welcome to MetaGrid Pro – the ULTIMATE ALL-IN-ONE TOUCH CONTROL CENTER FOR MAC and PC. Experience efficiency and simplicity in one interface, offering unparalleled control over your applications via USB/WiFi. It's more than just an app; it's a revolution in seamless computing. CORE FEATURES: - ADAPTIVE INTERFACE: As you switch applications on your computer, MetaGrid Pro instinctively adjusts, displaying tailor-made grids to enhance your interaction. - FULL CUSTOMIZATION: Design each button, gesture pad, fader and other object YOU...
[ ミュージック ]
In this app, brought to you by Swathi soft solutions, Mridangam Maestro presents a selection of mora-s and korvais-s, the crown jewel in any percussionist’s repertoire. This app presents korvai-s in Adi, Rupaka Chapu, Misra chapu and Kanda chapu thalams, with different Gati-s. The presentation of these rhythmic nuances, performed by the maestro himself along with his senior disciples, is accompanied by a detailed explanation given by Dr. Umayalpuram Sivaraman Also included are a selection of mora-s in Adi, Rupaka and Kanda Chap...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Ordina online e ricevi i tuoi piatti direttamente a domicilio oppure prenota il ritiro al punto vendita. VIA DELLA PACE 12 ARCORE (MB) TEL +39 039 6321365 La Gerist Group, è costituita da un team giovane, proattivo e dinamico che risponde alle esigenze di un settore in continuo sviluppo. Ogni singolo progetto è studiato e realizzato in modo approfondito, con la massima attenzione al particolare, dall'ideazione del concept alla sua realizzazione, dal primo approccio con il target di riferimento fino all'attivazione di una strateg...
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