フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
Join the largest gathering of blind people in the world. The National Federation of the Blind National Convention is the premier event for training, support, and information for the blind community. It also serves as a governing body, democratically electing our leadership and establishing each year's organizational priorities. Through the convention app, you can network with thousands of blind role models, connect with leaders in the field of blindness, attend presentations on a variety of empowering topics, and learn about the la...
[ ニュース ]
NFB-NEWSLINE® Mobile Free service for the print-disabled. Over five hundred newspapers and magazines plus weather, TV listings, and retail ads. NFB-NEWSLINE is a free service available to anyone who is blind, visually impaired, or print-disabled. It offers over five hundred publications to choose from including: - Thirteen national newspapers like the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and USA Today - Thirty-three breaking news sources such as CNN, BBC, and ESPN Online - Fourteen international newspapers including Financial...
[ ライフスタイル ]
BPA - ONE WINDOW SERVICE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Blind People's Association is a professional organization which believes in providing equal opportunities to all categories of people with disabilities. Consistent with the philosophy, it works for providing education, employment opportunities, equal rights and quality life for them. BPA, understands that gainful employment plays an essential part in the life of a person because it gives him status and binds him to the society. Acceptance of disabled persons at work can be vi...
[ メディカル ]
It is very important to find whether the kid is color blindness or not.The app is developed for kid and contains many cartoons and numbers for testing."Color Blind Test For Kid"has four unique points. -First,it is developed for kid who are not familiar with words but able to recognize simple numbers and cartoons.So,all the questions are common goods,animals or simple numbers,meanwhile all the options are cartoons or numbers. -Second,you can know what you choose is right or wrong after testing and check the question again to know...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Paris is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro around th...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Darmstadt is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides Darmstadt and other German cities like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly a...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Sydney is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro around t...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Amsterdam is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro aroun...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Heidelberg is a navigation tool acc. to the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides Heidelberg and other German cities like a cake into 12 sectors and shows location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also let know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de J...
[ ゲーム ]
When playing “Color Blind 2048”, what you should do is just to remember the sequence of the color blind number.It may be hard to get a high score if you are color blindness or color weakness.Go!Go!Go!Trust your fallout belief and line up against destiny commander in the shelter!
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