フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Madurai is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro around ...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Shanghai is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro around...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Stockholm is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro aroun...
[ ゲーム ]
When playing “A¹A Color Blind Test Hard”, what you should do is just to choose the right word.You should choose the word which means the color of the given word .“A¹A Color Blind Test Hard” supports GameCenter and the score depends on how fast you can choose the right word.
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Helsinki is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro around...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Frankfurt is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides Frankfurt and other German cities like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly a...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Seoul is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro around th...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in L. A. is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro around th...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Toronto ist ein Hilfsmittel gemäss der Münchner Orientierungskonvention. Es teilt die Stadt wie ein Kuchen in 12 Sektoren auf und zeigt urbane Leitzahlen (location codes) die eine verständlichere Antwort auf die Frage „wo?“ sind als Namen, Postleitzahlen, lat/lon oder „hier“. Die app benutzt GPS und VoiceOver, enthält einen Kompass und lässt die Richtung zum Zentrum wissen. Dadurch wird VolksNav(c) möglich, das sich-selbst Lotsen so elegant wie in Rio de Janeiro um die Christusstatue: einwärts/ausw...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Ho Chi Minh City is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeir...
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