フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Marburg ist ein Hilfsmittel gemäss der Münchner Orientierungskonvention. Es teilt Marburg sowie weitere deutsche Städte wie ein Kuchen in 12 Sektoren auf und zeigt urbane Leitzahlen (location codes) die eine verständlichere Antwort auf die Frage „wo?“ sind als Namen, Postleitzahlen, lat/lon oder „hier“. Die app benutzt GPS und VoiceOver, enthält einen Kompass und lässt die Richtung zum Zentrum der Stadt wissen, die am nähesten liegt. Dadurch wird VolksNav(c) möglich, das sich-selbst Lotsen so elega...
[ メディカル ]
The app named “Color Blind Test Plus” is developed for the people who want to know whether they are color blindness or not. It has different kinds of color blind tests such as “Geometry Test”, “Routine Test” and “Professional Test”. “Color Blind Test Plus” has two unique points: -First,it contains enough clear and professional pictures for Color Blind Test. The order of the testing pictures and answers are random when you restart the app. -Second,you can know what you choose is right or wrong after testing and check the questio...
[ ゲーム ]
When playing “Color Blind Mine Sweeper”, what you should do is just to sweep all mines.It may be hard to get a high score if you are color blindness or color weakness. “Color Blind Mine Sweeper” has three Game Features: 1. It is free and supports time challenge mode. 2. It contains color blind numbers which Color blind people may be hard to recognize. 3. It supports GameCenter and the score depends on how fast you sweep all mines.
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Dongguan is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro around...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Blind in the City / Blind in Sharjah is a navigation tool based on the Munich Orientation Convention. It divides the city like a cake into 12 sectors and also lets you know location codes, making it easier to answer the question "where?" than with names, post codes, lat/lon or “here” on maps. This app works with GPS and VoiceOver, includes a compass and also lets know the direction to the centre of town. With this, anyone can VolksNavigate(c), that means, guide himself around the centre as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro around ...
[ ゲーム ]
When playing “Color Blind Link”, what you should do is just to link the same cards. It may be hard to get a high score if you are color blindness or color weakness. “Color Blind Link” has three Game Features: 1. It is free and supports time challenge mode. 2. It contains color blind test pictures and colorful pictures which Color blind people may be hard to recognize. 3. It supports GameCenter and the score depends on how fast you link all the cards.
[ ゲーム ]
暗棋(盲棋) CChess - Chinese Blind Chess 暗棋(盲棋) 免費無廣告遊戲, 單機版想玩隋時玩, 有四位不同風格的人物與你對下. 設計:國泰電腦 Chinese Blind Chess game. It's a free game. You can choice one from four guy play with you. Enjoy it. by KTOP
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
The app named "Color Blind Test Plus" is developed for the people who want to know whether they are color blindness or not. It has different kinds of color blind tests such as "Geometry Test", "Routine Test" and "Professional Test". "Color Blind Test Plus" has four unique points: -First,it contains enough clear and professional pictures for Color Blind Test. The order of the testing pictures and answers are random when you restart the app. -Second,you can know what you choose is right or wrong after testing and check the questi...
[ メディカル ]
The app named "Color Blind Doctor" is developed for the people who want to know whether they are color blindness or not.It not only include test images but also include test images without the puzzling background. "Color Blind Doctor" has four unique points: -First,it contains enough clear and professional pictures for Color Blind Test. The order of the testing pictures and answers are random when you restart the app. -Second,you can know what you choose is right or wrong after testing and check the question again to know why y...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Fancy a good poker game with your friends? Now it will be easier with the new Blinds Up! poker timer! Simple, yet powerful and it's all you need for a good game! You can set the level duration, break duration and the frequency of the breaks - as well as the blind levels! Just start the clock and you'll get notified at every blind change or break instantly on your wrist!
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