Dingle Dangle

価格 120円
開発者Just Some Games
リリース日2013-01-24 17:00:00
星3.5 (4人)
星4 (5人)
互換性iOS 5.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Meet the Dingles!

Look into their cute little faces.

"Hello Dingles" you'll ask. "What are you up to?"

A lot of people wonder what Dingles are up to, but the sad fact is most of the time they're being burst on spiked walls, charred by flame pits and eaten by the native plant life.

"Poor Dingles!" I imagine you're thinking right about now. "If only there was some way to save them?!"

Well... Perhaps you can save them. Take control of a plump pirate fellow (we don't ask who he is, he just showed up one day with a conveniently flying vehicle) and travel from planet to planet, saving as many Dingles as you can in one go. You won't get anything for it of course, other than the warm glow in knowing that you did the Right Thing.

Here's a small FAQ that might cover any questions you have:

* How do I save a Dingle?
Well, it's quite simple: You lower your grappling contraption into a cave, tilt left and right to swing it about a bit and latch on to any sleeping Dingle you find. You'll soon see that Dingles stick together (although we're not sure why, perhaps a static charge or the shear magnetism of joy). Hoist them to the surface in one go and congratulate yourself on a well executed rescue mission.

* How many Dingles must I save?
Certainly more than 3 but far fewer than say, a million. If it helps, there are 60 levels home to the Dingles, spread over 3 varied worlds.

* So, what kind of adventure is this?
You'll need a steady hand. Oh yes, so some skill is required. But it'll also puzzle you a little too. And delight you obviously - the first time you see a Dingle talk is nothing short of magical.

* Hang on, what's all this about In-App purchases?
Oh, it's quite honest we can assure you. There are a jumble of outfits and gadgets you can buy with gems, and you can even purchase gems themselves with cold hard cash. But, the wise among you will notice that there are MANY gems scattered amongst the Dingle populace and - with only a smattering of work - you can find more than enough gems for all your shopping needs. In fact, we'd only recommend purchasing something as a sort of thank you, to us.

Certainly, nothing needs to be purchased to 100% complete the game - if you find a level tricky, that's precisely because it's meant to be. (NB If you do not wish to use this feature please disable In-App Purchases in your device settings.)

Is this a universal app?
Yes, it is.

And that's it.
Enjoy the game!

A crash fix for a rare situation involving a rainbow Dingle. We don't like to talk about it.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 13時10分




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