Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Weekly

価格 無料
開発者Leder Consulting, LLC
リリース日2009-11-12 07:08:53
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
The number-one combined pro-wrestling and mixed martial arts website in the world is now mobile with the Figure Four Weekly/wrestlingobserver.com iPhone app!

Keep up to date with the latest news and headlines from WWE, TNA, UFC, Strikeforce, American independents, Japanese and Mexican promotions, and anything else that relates in any way to combat sports with the two top wrestling/MMA journalists in the world. The app features all of the top headlines from the Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Online website, plus gives you access to our latest free and
subscription-only radio shows. Members of the site can input their username and password and have full access to all of our content, including daily one-hour professionally-produced radio shows, and non-members can enjoy at least one free program per week.

Dave Meltzer is considered the pioneer of pro wrestling journalism. A lifelong fan, Meltzer began writing about wrestling at the age of ten in various newsletters and fan club publications. While attending San
Jose State University and reporting for the Oakland Tribune, Meltzer started the Wrestling Observer Newsletter in 1982. It was the first publication that covered pro wrestling that made no excuses about the
industry being entertainment as opposed to sport, including coining the term "athletic entertainment" to describe pro wrestling, a term later changed to "sports entertainment" by Vince McMahon. The Observer remains the publication of record within the pro wrestling industry, read by nearly every serious fan and student of the game around the world. Meltzer is considered the leading independent expert on pro wrestling, and has been featured in Sports Illustrated and on Entertainment Tonight. His book, "Tributes," was the best selling pro wrestling book in late 2001 and early 2002. He's been on every major network newscast as well as the Phil Donahue Show, numerous specials on pro wrestling from A&E, Court TV and the Discovery Channel, quoted in publications such as TV Guide, Rolling Stone, New York Times and Newsweek and appeared in the two leading documentaries on wrestling, Wrestling with Shadows and Beyond the Mat. Meltzer also writes regular MMA columns for Yahoo!, some of which have been read by upwards of one million people.

Bryan Alvarez has been the editor and publisher of Figure Four Weekly since 1995. Besides the newsletter, he has also written wrestling columns for Penthouse Magazine (Mat Max!) in 1999 and 2000;
co-authored Death of WCW with RD Reynolds in 2004; and wrestled professionally throughout the US and Canada since 1998 (and quite unprofessionally in the Youth Wrestling Federation, a backyard promotion that had weekly television on Seattle Public Access for over two years in the early 90s). He currently works as host of Wrestling Observer Live on the Sports Byline Radio Network and Sirius Satellite
Radio channel 122 every Sunday night from 3-5 PM PST; writes monthly columns for Fighting Spirit Magazine in the UK; writes weekly columns for The Fight Network in Toronto, and hosts Figure Four Daily,
Wrestling Observer Radio, and the Bryan & Vinny Show on this website.

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更新日時:2024年9月28日 18時23分




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