Tsang Yang Gyatso - Audiobook in Chinese

価格 120円
255.8MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Jian Li
リリース日2016-08-06 05:24:55
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互換性iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
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An audiobook in Chinese.
A biography of Tsangyang Gyatso.

Tsangyang Gyatso (Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho, March 1, 1683 – Nov. 15, 1706) was the sixth Dalai Lama. He was a rebellious Buddhist icon who wrote romantic poems about Buddhism and love that are still popular today. They have been quoted in novels, other poems and movies. Two of his love poems became particularly popular after the release of the comedy If You Are the One 2 in December 2010, whose theme song borrows lines from his poem Better Not to Meet.

Born on March 1, 1683, to a serf family in southern Tibet, Tsangyang’s life was full of twists and turns. Some accounts say Tsangyang was discovered in 1688 as the reincarnation of the Fifth Dalai Lama Lozang Gyatso, six years after Lozang’s death. The Regent Desi Sangye Gyatso had kept the death a secret to maintain the stability of his administration. However, Tsangyang was officially discovered in 1697 when he was 14, after Emperor Kangxi finally heard about the death of the Fifth Dalai Lama and ordered an explanation from the Regent. The Regent then sent a delegation to Beijing announcing the death of the Fifth Dalai Lama and the discovery of the Sixth. Tsangyang was enthroned in October of that year.

As Dalai Lama, Tsangyang often went against the principles of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism and rejected life as a monk. He preferred drinking, the company of women and writing love songs and poems. He also had no real power and was essentially a puppet of the Regent, who plotted to assassinate Lhasang Khan, the newly enthroned king of the Khoshut Mongols and ally of Emperor Kangxi. When in 1705 a war broke out, the Regent was killed, and Lhasang Khan deposed Tsangyang the following year, using his behavior as an excuse. Emperor Kangxi ordered Tsangyang to Beijing for questioning. On his trip, Tsangyang mysteriously died in Xining at the age of 24. Yet, rumors and legends say he escaped, traveling around Mongolia, India and Nepal and dying at 64.

While being taken out of Lhasa, Tsangyang wrote a poem in which some say foretold his rebirth: “White crane, lend me your wings. I will not fly far. From Lithang I shall return.” Tsangyang was succeeded by Kelzang Gyatso, who was born in Lithang.

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