フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
瞬きするなら、今のうちです!Kubo and the Two Strings の目を見張る世界の奥深くへ旅立ちましょう。魔法バトル、恐れを知らない兵士たち、そして獰猛な怪物などであふれるクエストへ繰り出しましょう。 「コララインとボタンの魔女」のクリエイターで世界クラスの映画製作チーム、ライカと共同制作の、この壮大な冒険に乗り出し、新しいストーリーを体験してパズルを解く技を磨きましょう!三味線も弾ける、並はずれた侍としての技を持つクボに手を貸して、折り紙の動物に命を吹き込み、想像を超えるパワーを解き放ちましょう。 クボ: 侍のクエスト™ の世界で: • ...
[ 教育 ]
21 fun and educational games to help your child learn 5th Grade lessons! Teach them advanced 5th grade topics such as fractions, algebra, science, division, grammar, geometry, language, spelling, reading, geometry, and more. Whether they are just starting Fifth Grade, or need to review and master the subjects, this is a perfect learning tool for kids aged 9-12. Math, language, science, STEM, reading, and critical thinking skills are all tested and practiced in these games. Every lesson and activity is designed using real fifth gra...
[ ファイナンス ]
Securely access your Commercial Bank Account information, create transfers between accounts, make decisions for Positive Pay exceptions, and receive alerts directly from your phone! Account Management: Easily view Commercial Account balances as well as being able to search account transactions. Payments: You can now create transfers between your business accounts on the go! In addition, you can search and view past and posted payments. Positive Pay Be able to submit decisions and approve other's decisions while out of the offi...
[ 教育 ]
"My kids like to use this app when we are away from home! The quiz format is fun for them!" **Kids Math Fun~Third Grade is featured by Apple in the "Apps for Kids" section of the App Store** **Kids Math Fun is Recommended by InternetSafety.com as one of 10 Kid-Friendly iPhone Apps** www.internetsafety.com/press-recommended-iphone-apps.php **Kids Math Fun~First Grade is an Apple Recommended and Marketed App** ------------- Our kids LOVE the iPhone and iPod Touch! So, we are continuing to develop fun applications that stimula...
[ ショッピング ]
All coupons for Saks Fifth Avenue! Update data everyday,Enjoy your life & save you money! Note This app is NOT affiliated with Saks Fifth Avenue in any way. This is a third party coupon app.
[ 教育 ]
Grammar Fifth Level is designed with the key points: 1) Teaching grammar through interactive activities 2) Organizing these grammar rules into lesson plans 3) Generating Printable PDF for home learning or the classroom. Grammar Fifth Level was designed to help your child learn and practice proper grammar skills. Learning has become fun with interactive exercises that keep the child engaged. It focuses on 3 units: Parts of Speech, Sentences, and Mechanics. Your child can work their way though or jump to the area they need more pra...
[ ゲーム ]
Let's enjoy 5th Grade Math Curriculum Games free app with an easy to observe the precepts 5th Grade Math curriculum! Includes Money Counting Games, Telling Time, Ratio and Relationship, Percentage Math Games, Expression and Equation. Our Fifth Grade Mathematics games app and other educational apps have the greatest collection of educational worksheets based on the US National Common Core State Standards on Apple App Store for high school. Kids learn 5th Grade lessons playing on their own, with friends. Parents can check their c...
[ 教育 ]
********************** One Day Sale - 50% OFF Price ********************** Grammar Fifth Level is designed with the key points: 1) Teaching grammar through interactive activities 2) Organizing these grammar rules into lesson plans 3) Generating Printable PDF for home learning or the classroom. Grammar Fifth Level was designed to help your child learn and practice proper grammar skills. Learning has become fun with interactive exercises that keep the child engaged. It focuses on 3 units: Parts of Speech, Sentences, and Mechanics....
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Celebrating the relaunch of the American Heritage Dictionary. The Fifth Edition of The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language is one of the most comprehensive and accessible resources available on any mobile device. This latest edition has been much anticipated: 10 Years 20 Lexicographers 200 Usage Experts 10,000 New Words and Senses 1 Defining Achievement Keep the hardcopy at home and take the app with you wherever you need it. Main Features • entire text of this landmark new edition • complete offline use — no I...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Based on The New York Times best-selling book, The Fifth Agreement, the 48 cards in this deck offer a fresh perspective on the Four Agreements, and a powerful new agreement for transforming our lives into our personal heaven. The Fifth Agreement takes us to a deeper level of awareness of the power of the Self, and returns us to the authenticity we were born with. In this compelling sequel to the book that has changed the lives of millions of people around the world, we are reminded of the greatest gift we can give ourselves: the ...
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