Roland 的誕生是因為我們的寶貝兒子 Roland 品牌是用兒子的英文名字命名 Roland 是一個堅持全部MIT的本土公司 Roland 是寶寶媽媽的最佳夥伴 Roland 是最不像媽媽包的媽媽包 當初因為我總是找不到適合好用的媽媽包 從事包包產業的老公因此跳下來自己設計專屬的媽媽包 也因為這樣開始了Roland的品牌之路 新的公司需要大家的支持 也感謝PTT媽寶版的熱心媽媽們給予的意見跟靈感 有您們真好~~ 我們會更加努力加油的 全系列產品堅持台灣生產、製造 媽媽包全系列皆通過經濟部mit微笑標章認證~ 且產品都必須符合歐盟Rohs環保認證~ Roland一心一意打造最符合媽媽寶寶的環保優良產品~ 誓言...
Knights were the true followers of the king in the Middle Ages who went to battle for the king and for honour, glory and justice. Due to their respectability they became known as Knights of the Light. However, for many honour was not enough and they began to violate their oath and fill their treasure chambers with the loot they stole from the victims of their bloody rampages. These knights were known as the Horde of Darkness. Swear your oath of knighthood and choose your own destiny and allegiance through the decisions you make in-...