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[ 教育 ]
Easy Chinese is a series of practical and intensive Chinese learning courses that were developed specifically for adult Chinese learners. The online APP version of Easy Chinese utilizes 11 themes, which include 7 – 9 units for each theme with live-action videos, simulated dialogues, and role playing games, as well as practical, intelligible culture tips, which covers nearly all the topics needed for daily communication. The APP helps learners to swiftly master the most authentic practical Chinese, to learn about the fundamentals of...
[ 教育 ]
《易捷汉语》APP是专门为成人学习者量身打造的实用速成汉语课程,精心设计了11个主题,每个主题下有7-9个单元,有真人实景的情景表演视频,有模拟对话、角色扮演等练习,有实用、易懂的文化讲解,涵盖日常交际各个方面的话题。帮助学习者迅速掌握最地道的实用汉语,了解基本的中国文化,解决学习者在汉语环境中可能遇到的各种语言问题。 Easy Chinese is a series of practical and intensive Chinese learning courses that are developed specifically for adult Chinese learners. The online APP version of Easy Chinese utilizes 11 themes, which include 7 – 9 units fo...
[ 教育 ]
Easy Chinese is a series of practical and intensive Chinese learning courses that are developed specifically for adult Chinese learners. The online APP version of Easy Chinese utilizes 11 themes, which include 7 – 9 units for each theme with live-action videos, simulated dialogues, and role playing games, as well as practical, intelligible culture tips, which covers nearly all the topics needed for daily communication. The APP helps learners to swiftly master the most authentic practical Chinese, to learn about the fundamentals of ...
[ 教育 ]
《易捷汉语》APP是专门为成人学习者量身打造的实用速成汉语课程,精心设计了11个主题,每个主题下有7-9个单元,有真人实景的情景表演视频,有模拟对话、角色扮演等练习,有实用、易懂的文化讲解,涵盖日常交际各个方面的话题。帮助学习者迅速掌握最地道的实用汉语,了解基本的中国文化,解决学习者在汉语环境中可能遇到的各种语言问题。 Easy Chinese is a series of practical and intensive Chinese learning courses that are developed specifically for adult Chinese learners. The online APP version of Easy Chinese utilizes 11 themes, which include 7 – 9 units fo...
[ 教育 ]
Easy Chinese is a series of practical and intensive Chinese learning courses that are developed specifically for adult Chinese learners. The online APP version of Easy Chinese utilizes 11 themes, which include 7 – 9 units for each theme with live-action videos, simulated dialogues, and role playing games, as well as practical, intelligible culture tips, which covers nearly all the topics needed for daily communication. The APP helps learners to swiftly master the most authentic practical Chinese, to learn about the fundamentals of ...
[ 教育 ]
《易捷汉语》APP是专门为成人学习者量身打造的实用速成汉语课程,精心设计了11个主题,每个主题下有7-9个单元,有真人实景的情景表演视频,有模拟对话、角色扮演等练习,有实用、易懂的文化讲解,涵盖日常交际各个方面的话题。帮助学习者迅速掌握最地道的实用汉语,了解基本的中国文化,解决学习者在汉语环境中可能遇到的各种语言问题。 Easy Chinese is a series of practical and intensive Chinese learning courses that are developed specifically for adult Chinese learners. The online APP version of Easy Chinese utilizes 11 themes, which include 7 – 9 units fo...
[ 教育 ]
《易捷汉语》APP是专门为成人学习者量身打造的实用速成汉语课程,精心设计了11个主题,每个主题下有7-9个单元,有真人实景的情景表演视频,有模拟对话、角色扮演等练习,有实用、易懂的文化讲解,涵盖日常交际各个方面的话题。帮助学习者迅速掌握最地道的实用汉语,了解基本的中国文化,解决学习者在汉语环境中可能遇到的各种语言问题。 Easy Chinese is a series of practical and intensive Chinese learning courses that are developed specifically for adult Chinese learners. The online APP version of Easy Chinese utilizes 11 themes, which include 7 – 9 units fo...
[ ゲーム ]
******恶搞三国,《三国有妖气》****** ******史上最无厘头的游戏,原来三国还可以这样玩****** ---------------------------------------------- ===游戏简介=== 三国真的就只能是正统三国么?不,我们相信一定还有其他的打开方式。比如我们的《三国有妖气》。 《三国有妖气》是一款完美结合角色扮演&策略卡牌玩法的手机游戏,游戏中角色颠覆传统,让你眼前一亮。恶搞的剧情,华丽的特效,让你根本停不下来。 ---------------------------------------------- ===游戏特色=== ——纵横三国—— 刘备输出靠阿斗,张飞临阵卖猪肉,大乔掌鞭成女王,猫耳孟婆煲靓汤。小诸葛放大招,六...
[ 教育 ]
《易捷汉语》APP是专门为成人学习者量身打造的实用速成汉语课程,精心设计了11个主题,每个主题下有7-9个单元,有真人实景的情景表演视频,有模拟对话、角色扮演等练习,有实用、易懂的文化讲解,涵盖日常交际各个方面的话题。帮助学习者迅速掌握最地道的实用汉语,了解基本的中国文化,解决学习者在汉语环境中可能遇到的各种语言问题。 Easy Chinese is a series of practical and intensive Chinese learning courses that are developed specifically for adult Chinese learners. The online APP version of Easy Chinese utilizes 11 themes, which include 7 – 9 units fo...
[ 教育 ]
《易捷汉语》APP是专门为成人学习者量身打造的实用速成汉语课程,精心设计了11个主题,每个主题下有7-9个单元,有真人实景的情景表演视频,有模拟对话、角色扮演等练习,有实用、易懂的文化讲解,涵盖日常交际各个方面的话题。帮助学习者迅速掌握最地道的实用汉语,了解基本的中国文化,解决学习者在汉语环境中可能遇到的各种语言问题。 Easy Chinese is a series of practical and intensive Chinese learning courses that are developed specifically for adult Chinese learners. The online APP version of Easy Chinese utilizes 11 themes, which include 7 – 9 units fo...
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