About buzz KOREA Mobile App
Your best mobile solution when planning for a trip to Korea. Utilize this application when you need quick information while traveling around Korea. Also, when you’d like to cherish the memories from Korea and share them with your friends, this application will help you.
Wiki buzz
Have questions about Korea?
Ask "Wiki buzz" operated by the Korea Tourism Organization.
Friends from all over the world will ask, share and answer your questions.
Touch Korea Tour
Look for the places you’d like to visit in Ko...
Pretend HotelやPretend Airportは好きですか?Pretend Daycare、My Pretend Home & Familyは好きですか?それならきっとMy Pretend Family Mansionも好きになること間違いありません。Big Friends DollhouseやPretend Playシリーズも無料で楽しめます!
My Pretend Big Family Mansionは、Pretendシリーズ最大のゲームをお見せするために、さまざまな部屋を用意しています!!
My Pretend Big Family Mansionは、まるで子供のための大きな人形の家と遊び場のようです!