Fun with Chinese (校园乐翻天)
System requirements: iPhone OS 4.0 and above
Suitable for children age 5 to 12 years old
“Fun with Chinese” is an educational comics series created by Singapore Primary School Teacher Ms Yang Xinwen, published by Chuang Yi Publishing, and powered by KooBits digital publishing technology.
This series of Chinese comics supports Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) Chinese Language Syllabus and aims to help students achieve good grades in their PSLE examinations.
• Based on the latest syllabus fro...
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"하늘과 바람과 별과 시" 전체와 다른 시 6편, 산문 네 편을 수록하고 있습니다.
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텍스트 화면의 툴바는 왼쪽부터 회전 잠금, 페이지화 잠금, 배경/글씨색, 툴바잠금 기능입니다.