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去野吧APP,是一款免费的户外旅行、社交类手机应用。它是The North Face®品牌精心打造的一站式购买,分享,摄影,旅游,户外的平台。作为新面市的手机APP,它操作简单,内容丰富...
You are a monarch, like your parents before you, a ruler of a small pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. Unlike your parents, however, you have hopes and dreams! You want a bigger and more pleasant kingdom, with more rivers and a wider variety of trees. You want a Dominion! In all directions lie fiefs, freeholds, and feodums. All are small bits of land, controlled by petty lords and verging on anarchy. You will bring civilization to these people, uniting them under your banner.
But wait! It must be something in the air; sever...