Harbour City, the largest shopping mall in Hong Kong with an area of 2 million square feet, is one of the main tourist attractions in Tsim Sha Tsui. With over 450 shops of all kinds, more than 50 F&B outlets, three star hotels and cruise terminal, it provides visitors from all over the world a one-stop shopping and entertainment experience – with splendid harbour views, endless shopping fun and worldwide cuisine.
Harbour City Mobile App Features Highlight:
1) Mall Navigation
Customize direct route to any retail stores, F&B outlet...
由經濟部國際貿易局委託外貿協會辦理的「亞洲會展產業論壇」(Asian MICE Forum 2017),今年將於9月6日至7日首度移師高雄舉辦。本屆以「創新會展‧翻轉城市」為主軸,邀請IAEE主席、IMEX國際總監、西班牙火祭節、福岡博多咚打鼓海港祭、奧美互動行銷公司董事總經理張志浩、智威湯遜廣告公司董事總經理鄧博文、Info Salons董事總經理顧學斌、Accupass執行長羅子文等全球會展協會重量級代表及全球創意行銷高手,引進第一手會展流行新知,帶您掌握創意活動的致勝關鍵。