【Sulwhasoo BeautyLife相生美顏日程】協助妥善安排個人日程,絶對以體貼為本,附以設計富趣味性之icon標示特別日程,一目了然,更備有上載相片功能,令整個行事曆更個人化。同時,日程標示香港公眾及勞工假期、農曆、特別節日如母親節、父親節等,極為實用。
【Sulwhasoo BeautyLife】Personal calendar set-up, allows easy input of beauty, healthy activities to the schedule. Specially designed icons display your events in a precisely clear way. You can even upload photo to the calendar to create your own personalized one. It also features Hong Kong's g...
Haoricheng manmanzou: an intelligent time management service, a collection of four feature functions including Location, Microblog, Activities, Scheduling, dedicated to hold activities with your friends nearby and chat in private with them, meanwhile all the activities you involved in will be listed clearly on your own calendar.
好日程慢慢走:提供给热爱旅游、团购的朋友一个简单查询和交流的社交工具 好日程慢慢走:集合了定位、微博、召集活动、日程管理的四大功能,根据不同的兴趣爱好,召集身边好友进行活动,亦可随时私聊,并自动记录在自己的日程中...