== Reviews ==
"I like the story line because it is a great interactive between the player and the software which is a good measurement of a game because it provides sheet entertainment."
"If you want to play it, you can really enjoy unlike time-based games like Mafia Wars or Cafe World."
"This is something that gives you live battle and it is really entertaining."
"I like it that it gives you real time enjoyment because given its purpose being on iPhone, it is handy and so it should be a game that you can really play and enter...
全く新しい言葉遊び満載のプラットフォーム型アドベンチャーパズルゲームAn Alien with a Magnetのギャラクシーへようこそ。本ゲームはMac向けの新ゲームで、プレイヤーはダイヤモンドを集めて秘密の天体を見つける、そしてエイリアンを故郷に無事帰還させるために、次々とレベルを解除して行くという最高にクールなゲームである。
*** プレスがこのAn Alien with a Magnetについて言及しなければならないことは? ***
"An Alien with a Magnet is one of those titles that revolve around an almost perfect idea - its apparent simplicity belies a staggering degree of d...