フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Multi-language dialogue provides commonly used dialogues. It contains 709 sentences which are classified into 46 sub-categories of the 10 main categories, with human voice pronunciation. Category navigation menu: you could switch menu language among English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Thai. Language of sentences: show the dialogues in three languages, you can put the languages in order according to your preferences. Searching: Supports the searching function by the keyword for the content of dialogue. 多国会话提供多...
[ 教育 ]
Multi-language dialogue provides commonly used dialogues. It contains 709 sentences which are classified into 46 sub-categories of the 10 main categories, with human voice pronunciation. Category navigation menu: you could switch menu language among English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Thai. Language of sentences: show the dialogues in three languages, you can put the languages in order according to your preferences. Searching: Supports the searching function by the keyword for the content of dialogue. 多国会话提供多...
[ 教育 ]
Multi-language dialogue provides commonly used dialogues. It contains 709 sentences which are classified into 46 sub-categories of the 10 main categories, with human voice pronunciation. Category navigation menu: you could switch menu language among English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Thai. Language of sentences: show the dialogues in three languages, you can put the languages in order according to your preferences. Searching: Supports the searching function by the keyword for the content of dialogue. 多国会话提供多...
[ 教育 ]
Multi-language dialogue provides commonly used dialogues. It contains 709 sentences which are classified into 46 sub-categories of the 10 main categories, with human voice pronunciation. Category navigation menu: you could switch menu language among English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Thai. Language of sentences: show the dialogues in three languages, you can put the languages in order according to your preferences. Searching: Supports the searching function by the keyword for the content of dialogue. 多国会话提供多...
[ 教育 ]
Multi-language dialogue provides commonly used dialogues. It contains 709 sentences which are classified into 46 sub-categories of the 10 main categories, with human voice pronunciation. Category navigation menu: you could switch menu language among English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Thai. Language of sentences: show the dialogues in three languages, you can put the languages in order according to your preferences. Searching: Supports the searching function by the keyword for the content of dialogue. 多国会话提供多...
[ ビジネス ]
何かを思いついた時、何かを指示され忘れないうちにすぐにメモを取りたい時に活躍してくれるアプリです。 さらに無通信の多国語読み上げがついて便利!! 多国語読み上げメモ帳はiCloud保存・同期していますので、iPhone/iPod 環境設定からiCoudを設定してください。 * 無通信 読み上げ (Language-Detection) * iクラウド同期 * 共有 クリップボードのテキストを自動的に感知し、楽に貼り付けます。 選択した範囲のテキストを読み上げます。
[ 教育 ]
Multi-language dialogue provides commonly used dialogues. It contains 709 sentences which are classified into 46 sub-categories of the 10 main categories, with human voice pronunciation. Category navigation menu: you could switch menu language among English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Thai. Language of sentences: show the dialogues in three languages, you can put the languages in order according to your preferences. Searching: Supports the searching function by the keyword for the content of dialogue. 多国会话提供多...
[ 教育 ]
Multi-language dialogue provides commonly used dialogues. It contains 709 sentences which are classified into 46 sub-categories of the 10 main categories, with human voice pronunciation. Category navigation menu: you could switch menu language among English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Thai. Language of sentences: show the dialogues in three languages, you can put the languages in order according to your preferences. Searching: Supports the searching function by the keyword for the content of dialogue. 多国会话提供多...
[ ゲーム ]
シリーズ累計350万ダウンロード! あの「ボッタクリBAR」がパワーアップして帰ってきた! ************************************ 『ぼくのボッタクリBAR3 -世界進出篇-』はアジアを舞台にしたボッタクリBARの経営ゲームです。 多国籍な女の子たちを集め、海外のお客さんたちから可能なかぎりボッタクりましょう。 ◆プロローグ ボッタクリBAR経営で逮捕され、長い長いムショ暮らし。 シャバに出れた開放感とともに海外旅行を心から楽しんでいた。 しかしそんな楽しい日々は長くは続かなかった。 突然現れた大手消費者金融「アクム」の借金取り。 多額の負債を返すため、アジ...
[ 教育 ]
【1か月無料トライアル!】 圧倒的に役に立つ英語リスニングアプリの決定版!  日経主要ニュースを毎朝5本、英語と日本語で配信。多国籍なネイティブスピーカーの記事全文読み上げにより、満員の通勤中でも、英語学習と情報収集の2つを同時にできます。記事を視聴するには有料購読が必要ですが、無料トライアルのご利用で1か月間は無料でお使いいただけます。まずは気軽に始めてリスニングをアップさせてください。 【多国籍ネイティブがナレーター!】 数ある英語アプリのなかでも、アメリカ英語とイギリス英語の両方を聴けるものは稀です。LissNは多国籍のネイティブス...
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