Tipperoni is a flexible and easy to use gratuity calculator. It requires the user to enter data in four or less textfields dependent on what preferences have been set. Required data fields are Food/drink and tax totals, both of which come from your check. The remaining required data textfields are your tip and check split preferences.
Your tip preference can range from 0-99%. The split preference can range from 1-99.
Tipperoni also enables you to pre-set a tip preference. Once a tip preference is set, you will not have to en...
This is a calculator and memo.
Identify the expression in the memo, do the calculation and aggregation.
· I automatically calculated to analyze the formula memo.
· I can summarize the results of formulas and selection of memo.
· I can split the bill calculated as (+) button.
· I can function calculation sin, cos, etc. of.
· I can calculate hexadecimal 0x notation.