フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ブック ]
Cao Zhi (192–232) was a poet who lived during the late Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history. His poetry style, greatly revered during the Jin Dynasty and Southern and Northern Dynasties, came to be known as the jian'an style.
Although jian'an refers to the time between 196 and 220, Cao Zhi's poems could in fact be categorized into two periods, with the year 220 as the watershed. The earlier period consisted of poems that expressed his ambitions. These poems were optimistic and romantic in nature. On the other ha...
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[ ブック ]
간체자는 한자의 자형을 간략화 시켰다는 의미로써 일반적으로 정자(正字)의 획수를 줄여서 만든
글자를 가리킨다. 한자는 워낙 글자 수가 많아 배우기 쉽지 않고, 또 획수가 많은 일부 자들은 글자 자체를 외워서 쓰기에 어렵다.
구성과 특징
1. 600자의 선정과 배열
『HSK汉语水平词汇和汉字等级大纲』,『汉语1000常用字』,『现代汉语频率词典』,『汉字频率表』,『汉字常用偏旁部首名称表』, 『现代汉语词典』등 여러 참고문헌에 근거하여 중국어 학습자들이 가장 많이 쓰는 상용한자 600자를 선정, 수록하였다.
1부에서는 200자를 선정하여 명사, 동사, 형용사, 조동사,...
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[ 教育 ]
KidsWriteFree provides the easy,fun and effective way to learn reading and writing Chinese character . Well selected Chinese popular poem has significant benefits for improving children's emotional intelligence.
• Touch character on screen, you can hear the sound of character ,while the character will display stroke by stroke in the grid.
• The number and speed of each character to display can be adjusted.
• Free writing and drawing board provides the basis for more creative activities
• Nine colors selec...
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