フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
Transform your business, professional and personal relationships with Contacts Journal CRM. With Contacts Journal, you can: - Keep track of conversations with each contact, so you’re prepared for your next meeting - Set reminders and follow-ups for future meetings - Create Custom Fields to expand the profile of your contacts and clients - Attach images, files, or scanned documents relevant to each contact or meeting - See your contacts on Map view to easily navigate your surroundings - Categorize your contacts list with Contact T...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Introducing “Auto Clicker” for iPhone, your new best friend for all things tapping! Say goodbye to endless finger-tapping and hello to effortless automation. This powerhouse app is here to make your life easier, packed with features that scream efficiency and convenience. What Makes It Awesome: Auto Click Magic: Want to tap without lifting a finger? Just set your preferred interval, and voilà! Whether you’re gaming, navigating apps, or running tests, “Auto Clicker Turbo” has got you covered. Hands-free tapping has never been so e...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
ヘルシカは健康的な生活を送るためのヘルスケアアプリです。 この機能を使うことで、食事や体重、体脂肪率を記録することができます。食事の記録ではカロリー計算により健康的な食生活を目指すことができます。 ▼ヘルシカの概要 ■ 食事記録でカロリー計算 一般料理から外食まで網羅した食事データを元に、あなたが食べたものを簡単に記録できます。食事記録をすることでカロリーの過不足が表示されるため、一目で把握できます。 【新機能!】 ①バーコード機能:コンビニなどの市販品のバーコードを読み取ることで簡単に記録できるようになりました! ②画像解析機能:食事し...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
"Contact Mover & Account Sync" allows you to quickly and easily sync or move contacts between any pair of iPhone or iPad contact accounts. This app can be used in a number of creative ways. For instance, you can merge your corporate Exchange contacts into your personal local address book or vice versa. Or perhaps you want to sync your Outlook contacts with iCloud. As long as you already have a pair of contact accounts setup on your iPhone/iPad, it doesn't matter if it's an Exchange, Outlook, iCloud, Google, Yahoo, Local, or ...
[ メディカル ]
【SNS総ファン数180万人!トモニテ(旧MAMADAYS)の妊娠・出産アプリ】 出産予定日(最終月経日・計画分娩日/帝王切開日)を登録するだけで、 「生まれるまであと何日だろう?」「今妊娠何週?」がすぐにわかる! 家族やパートナーと共有してお腹の赤ちゃんの成長や妊娠週数ごとの情報を簡単に共有できます。 妊娠週数に合ったおすすめ情報で妊娠中の不安を解決したり、ママになる準備を進めたりすることが出来ます。 ■主なアプリの機能 ●成長する赤ちゃんのイラスト ・妊娠週数に合わせて成長するイラストで、お腹の中の赤ちゃんの成長がわかります。 ・タップするとあかちゃ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Never Lose Your Bluetooth Devices Again with AirTracker! Discover AirTracker, the Ultimate Bluetooth Tracker! Our app turns your smartphone into a powerful locator using advanced signal radar technology. With AirTracker, losing your wireless headphones or any other Bluetooth-enabled devices (smartwatch, wireless charging case, fitness band, portable speaker, etc.) is a thing of the past. Plus, you can detect and manage spyware and unwanted Bluetooth devices in your vicinity. Features That Set AirTracker Apart: * Comprehensive S...
[ 旅行 ]
Don’t gamble with your vacation, especially during these times of unprecedented change. Get the guide that reveals so much more about Las Vegas than just the casinos. It's all just a tap away on the Las Vegas Revealed app. Find the cool sights that are worth your time (and avoid the ones that aren’t), and dine at places with the best food, best atmosphere or the best prices. Venture away from the Strip to experience incredible hiking, boating or even snow skiing in season. No matter what you choose to try, you'll gather memories of...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Stay safe & secure with Security Master - Protection for iPhone and iPad. All you need to stay protected: • Protect your device from malicious websites and apps • Block malicious connections in all apps and browsers • Check your device health for any security issues • Keep your privacy by blocking malicious trackers Protection for iPhone Upgrade Conditions: - Your subscription automatically renews every month unless auto-renewal is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current subscription. - You will be charged $9....
[ 旅行 ]
マイル手帳はマイルやポイントを効率よく貯めたい人のためのアプリです。会員登録なしですぐに使えます。 ● マイルやポイントをまとめて確認 マイルやポイントを確認するために、各社のウェブサイトを見たりアプリをインストールしたり大変ですよね。マイル手帳なら、主要な航空マイレージや各種ポイントをアプリひとつでまとめて確認することができます。 ● マイル・ポイント間の交換を自動計算 貯まったポイントをマイルに替えて家族旅行に行きたいけれど、交換ルールが複雑でよくわからない。マイル手帳なら、お持ちのマイルやポイントを交換したらいくらになるか、自動で...
[ ゲーム ]
PackRat is a fun, beautiful, and engaging collectible card game for all ages! With over 15,000 unique cards found in more than 900 different collections, PackRat is the largest and longest-running card trading and collecting game on the App Store! In 2020 we gave the game a slick new makeover with all new user interface, new sounds, new card artists, and new login methods! Browse the markets, steal from "The Rats," and trade with friends. List a card in the Auction House and watch your cards sell. Create a player profile and play...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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