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[ ビジネス ]
Screencast this app onto other devices running this app or onto a computer, and view another user's screencast of this app on your device (Pro version only). Plus, remotely control the iPod app on this device from a computer on the same wi-fi network. "WORKS GREAT! i have had no problem with software and printing on my network, most of the time HP printers will always work for you! and does for me and my HP Laser 4200 series, if you have fax credits on any other their apps contact support and they can split them or move them! Nice...
[ ビジネス ]
George Lois (born in 1931) is an American Art Director, designer, advertising leader and author. George Lois is best known for the for Esquire Magazine[1] which he produced as a consultant for Esquire from 1962 to 1972, never actually being an Esquire employee. Lois' Esquire covers offered a controversial statement on life in the 1960s with subjects including Marilyn Monroe, Norman Mailer, Muhammad Ali, Andy Warhol, Germaine Greer, and Richard Nixon. In 2008, The Museum of Modern Art exhibited 32 of Lois' 92 Esquire covers. eorge...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Download files from the web or from a cloud, and view/share files between iPads/iPhones running this app. Document Downloader provides essential document handling functionality on your iPad/iPhone: printing/downloading files from the web, MobileMe, Box.net, or Dropbox, faxing, and screencasting. "USER FRIENDLY. Love this. Works perfect for iPhone. Would buy this for all my devices. Great job" - H - Version 2.5 - Jul 29, 2011 "STORES PDFS FROM EMAIL VERY WELL. This app does a great job of storing PDFs from emails--saving me lots ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Fax Print & Share enables the printing, faxing, and sharing of documents and photos, and online printing. In addition, the Pro version supports the printing/downloading of web-based files. "IT WORKS GREAT! This latest update had the driver for my printer. I am very pleased. I've also used the fax feature in the past which impressed my client." - J - Fax Print & Share Pro - Version 3.0 - Dec 9, 2011 "WORKS PERFECTLY. Now your iPad is a fax machine" - S.89 - Fax Print & Share - Dec 17, 2011 REVIEWS (PRO VERSION) "10 Best iPad Apps...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Use Print Online to access your files on iDisk/MobileMe, Box.net, or Dropbox, print to over 1,400 printers, and upload documents to FedEx Office® Print Online. "EXCELLENT APP VERY HANDY. Does take some use to getting use to but when you do it's great. A+++++++++" - SS, Sep 22, 2011 FEATURES • View/print many document types, including PDF, Word, Excel, bitmap, TIFF, text, HTML, Open Office, GIF, and encapsulated PostScript. • Create new text documents. • Use a web browser to transfer files between your computer and this app. • Pr...
[ ゲーム ]
内容简介: 萌时代妹子向钱冲是一款“大乱斗”类跑酷游戏,采用日系漫画风的人物形象设计。 你能帮助萌妹纸成功打败所有的对手么?喜欢乱斗,喜欢跑酷游戏的小伙伴不要错过咯,萌妹纸等待你的到来! 游戏特色: 忧郁梦幻的场景风格,搞笑刺激的道具效果配合日漫萌系角色特性的夸张表情动作,直击动漫死宅内心; 萌妹子打小怪兽,打造不一样的乱斗跑酷体验; 多种道具配合攻击,还有奇妙的魔法与不为人知的科技助阵哟!
[ ナビゲーション ]
Welcome to Go-LA, the first travel hub and mobility app for Los Angeles. At Go-LA our goal is to create a seamless travel experience within Los Angeles, by addressing all your travel needs in a single app. Say goodbye to complicate travel planning, now it’s your time to have a streamlined travel experience in your favorite city. With Go-LA all the transport options in Los Angeles are available for you to manage your next trip. It is easier than you imagine, thanks to our iPhone app Go-LA app, allows you to plan your trip using al...
[ ゲーム ]
《暴屍街头》是一款继承传统打飞机玩法,并施加塔防元素的快节奏割草射击游戏。你在其中利用各种武器只为杀死越来越多的R国极品丧尸。 高清画质 + 3D场景 + 超级武器 + 超多丧尸 = 暴尸街头 游戏开始前,可以用金币购买一些高等级的防御工事增加生存能力。在游戏中还有强化主武器威力的道具可供使用,拾取之后保证你的活力瞬间猛增,一秒变王牌。合理使用武器的切换与超级武器,会是你抵抗丧尸进犯的不二利器。 ***游戏特色: 超爽快的割草体验,游戏后期充斥屏幕的几百只丧尸,极具杀戮快感,一颗原子弹,丧尸全完蛋。 丧尸爱大脑, 用枪搞一搞,3D场景,从白天战到黑夜,畅...
[ 教育 ]
内容: 奇幻养鱼 探索学习 魔幻3D 会讲故事 四位一体的神奇海洋世界 特色: 鱼儿们的生物特性都是依据真实世界里的海洋生物进行创造; 孩子们津津有味玩乐的同时,丰富他们的知识库,拓宽视野,对海洋常见生物有非常生动形象的记忆与认知; 更是可以在家长不在身边的时候,讲故事给给孩子听! 还可以体验神奇的AR增强现实世界,让鱼儿从屏幕里游出来,陪你玩耍; 答对问题箱,收集金币,就可以解锁超多特别的鱼儿,可爱的,帅气的,神奇的都在这里哦~ 赶紧创造一个鱼缸来和萌娃们一起来遨游海洋吧! 魔力书与魔力卡使用指南: ①你需要拥有《海洋大冒险》的实体书和魔力卡...
[ ゲーム ]
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