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[ ブック ]
** Thanks all the users that make Readish successful! Readish will be totally FREE in the following few days, grab it right now! **
Readish = Read + Edit + Share! Share your own editioins, or start reading the free magazines and books below right now! Offline reading supported.
Based on RSS/ATOM feeds.
- Please kindly notice that no objectionable content is allowed. You may not upload sexually explicit or other objectionable content. The user who provides offending content may be ejected.
- Users can cont...
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[ ミュージック ]
What is Chord Explorer?
● A fully zoomable 88-key piano keyboard with assignable chord pads
● An awesome MIDI controller
● A creative way to experiment with harmony and chord progressions
● A direct interval, chord and scale reference
● A highly flexible ear training tool
What can I do with Chord Explorer?
● Store note combinations across 24 pads
● Play the pads and keyboard together!
● Connect to your favourite synth, sampler or sequencer
● Identify notes, intervals, chords and scales from a comprehensive library ...
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[ 教育 ]
Yolaroo Alphabet - Spelling and Reading is an excellent way for people of all ages to start learning English.
Yolaroo Alphabet - Spelling and Reading makes learning how to read and spell easy.
Yolaroo Alphabet - Spelling and Reading can be used at home, in the classroom, or in the car on both iPhone and iPad. It is a great use of technology that makes learning and teaching English intuitive.
There are now 14 great activities to help teach over 147 different English words.
Each activity has a different goal to help the learner.
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[ ユーティリティ ]
The Hands of Time Solver for Final Fantasy XIII-2 is an application designed to solve one of the more difficult temporal rifts in Final Fantasy: The Hands of Time. From the 5-number puzzle to the insane 13-number puzzles, it will solve and show you the steps along the way!
All it takes is a username. Your username is used to broadcast what puzzles you've encountered to the world! By clicking 'View Puzzles,' you can see what puzzles everyone else has been encountering and even view the solutions with just a tap.
To solve a puzzl...
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[ 旅行 ]
Córdoba Capital of Al-Andalus accompanied by the philosopher and theologian Ibn Hazm vizier of Caliph Abdurrahman V.
VII-XII centuries. Cordova
Córdoba Cultural City.
Cities Córdoba City.
Through this thematic route and interactive with GPS.
Cordoba Museum Open Europe's largest.
Culture Tourism Service applied to new knowledge technologies.
The Historic Center of Cordoba is one of the largest old cities of Europe.
Besides visiting the Mosque, Medina Azahara, Jewry, Courtyards and other monuments, with these Thematic Routes want ...
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[ 教育 ]
Apprenez à reconnaître les styles des meubles anciens
Gothique, Renaissance,Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Régence, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Directoire, Empire, XIXéme, Napoléon III, Art nouveau et déco, Modernisme.
L'objet de cette petite application n'est pas de faire de vous un "spécialiste" des meubles anciens, mais de vous permettre, de façon ludique, de vous y retrouver dans le dédale du style des meubles à travers l'histoire de France. Il n'est donc pas d'apprendre à authentifier un meuble comme appartenant à une époque mais d'identifi...
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[ 教育 ]
Aplicación sobre el patrimonio cultural de Villaviciosa, en Asturias. Podrás ver sus iglesias de estilo prerrománico y románico (ss. IX al XIII), así como los hórreos más famosos de la región, de estilo Villaviciosa (construcciones típicas de madera de los siglos XVI y XVII) en una completa aplicación para tu iPod/iPhone.
La aplicación incorpora:
* vídeos y galerías de imágenes de los elementos
* descripciones exhaustivas sobre cada uno de los elementos
* mapas para que consultes los elementos a tu alrededor, o direcciones sobre c...
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[ 旅行 ]
App ufficiale del Comune di Bitonto
Bitonto è un comune italiano di 56137 abitanti della provincia di Bari in Puglia.
Bitonto è conosciuta come città degli ulivi per gli estesi oliveti che la circondano e la produzione olearia, rinomata già nel XIII secolo e perfezionata nel corso del XX secolo, che costituisce ancora oggi la più importante risorsa economica della città. Bitonto inoltre ha dato il nome al cultivar locale, cima di Bitonto.
Il 26 maggio 1734 la città fu teatro della storica battaglia, combattuta tra gli austriaci e...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Contiene un gran número de leyes y reglamentos laborales completamente actualizadas como, Ley Federal del Trabajo, Ley Federal de los Trabajadores al Servicio del Estado, Reglamentaria del Apartado B) del Artículo 123 Constitucional, Ley Reglamentaria de la Fracción XIII Bis del Apartado B, del Artículo 123 de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos , Ley del Instituto del Fondo Nacional para el Consumo de los Trabajadores, -Ley de Ayuda Alimentaría para los trabajadores, Principales Normas Oficiales Mexicanas, y m...
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[ メディカル ]
A Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular - Regional São Paulo - lançou o novo aplicativo do Encontro São Paulo de Cirurgia Vascular e Endovascular. Com ele você ficará por dentro dos destaques do congresso como: programação científica, temas livres, inscrições, convidados e muitas outras informações. Através do novo aplicativo será possível interagir com a programação científica do evento dando notas aos temas livres e palestras de sua preferência. Baixe agora o aplicativo do XIII Encontro São Paulo de Cirurgia Vasc...
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