フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
For many people the term Web 2.0 is complicated. They fail truly to understand what this is and how it works. Many so-called experts have tried to give their long drawn out technical explanation of this type of web site. The problem is though is that use so much jargon and hard to understand technical mumbo jumbo that an average person will need a Rosetta stone to decipher what these experts are saying. One of the definitions that I came across when I first started looking into Web 2.0 was that is was a term to characterize design...
[ ブック ]
The goal of this special report it to give you a tons of resources that will not only teach you all about Web 2.0 sites and how you can include them in your business plans but to also show you techniques and tools that will automate this entire process. I have put in many hours looking for both free and paid resources that will benefit you. My goal is to save you massive amounts of time and money so you can quickly implement these strategies before other marketers do. What Exactly Is Web 2.0 The internet is evolving, and the fal...
[ ブック ]
***注意*** ・本アプリは、2010年4月にアスペクトから発売された『iPhoneとツイッターは、なぜ成功したのか?』のiPhone版です。 ・本アプリの内容は、理想書店(http://www.dotbook.jp/store/)で販売されている同名書籍と同一です。 ******** iPhone、ツイッターの成功が物語るITビジネスの新たな潮流、そして201X年代を生き抜くために知っておきたい「5つの新常識」を、気鋭のITジャーナリスト、林信行が斬る。 「フリー」と「クラウド」を読み解くカギがここにある! ■林信行(はやしのぶゆき) ITジャーナリスト。日本経済新聞や「R25」をはじめWebニュー...
[ ビジネス ]
***Featured in App Store’s: “What’s Hot”, “New and Noteworthy” and “Staff Favorites” *** 英語版と韓国語版が見られる!!(端末機の言語設定を変えてください) 就職面接準備フラッシュカード: 世界中でトップランクに位置するMBAプログラムに通う何千人もの学生の就職面接準備に使われています! どこでも、いつでも面接の準備ができるのです! Jobjuice マーケティングAppは広大なマーケティング戦略情報を指先1つで提供し参照要項および教材として実用性と効率性を強調しています! 特徴/利点: -マーケティングの面接の為の再確認 -マーケティング概念と構成が詰まった50枚...
[ メディカル ]
イージーカルテViewer for iPad は、クリニック向け電子カルテ「イージーカルテWeb2.0」の専用ビューワです。 ・主なご利用シーン 1. 処置室やベッドサイドにちょっと持ち出して診療するときに 2. プロジェクタ等にカルテを投影してカンファレンスするときに 3. 処置室にいる看護師にオーダを伝えるときに 4. 往診先で診療するときに(在宅医療) 5. ご自宅、出張先で患者の診療計画を練るときに ・主な機能 1. カルテ 基本情報、アレルギー、家族歴、既往歴、傷病歴、症状、シェーマ画像、各種オーダ、検査結果の表示が可能です。iPadを横にすると、アレルギー、傷病歴、来院歴...
[ ビジネス ]
In questa applicazione l’attività recente dell’agenzia di comunicazione Exprimo viene mostrata in tutte le sue potenzialità, attraverso una guida interattiva in cui immagini, video e testi illustrano progetti di graphic design, marchi, campagne pubblicitarie, siti web ed eventi, realizzati per alcuni famosi marchi internazionali. Si tratta di una applicazione editoriale che testimonia il percorso di comunicazione digitale intrapreso dall’agenzia e che include, oltre alla comunicazione mobile, esperienze importanti di web marketing...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Blob2.0 L'Idea: negli ultimi anni il paradigma comunicativo si è evoluto da una logica lineare ad una logica circolare, propria del web 2.0; tale rapidissimo sviluppo ha coinvolto persone, realtà aziendali e istituzionali. L'uomo non può vivere senza comunicare, nulla di più ovvio, ma per vivere nell’era della “web communication” bisogna saperla padroneggiare, orientare e interpretare, cogliendone confini e potenzialità. Proprio per questo, la finalità principale del Blob2.0 è quella di vivere e far vivere la comunicazione nelle su...
[ 教育 ]
Teachers Tech PLC demonstrates how to build a professional learning community by connecting to a global network of colleagues and a stream of education specific Web 2.0 sites and resources. The techniques shown in the step by step videos capitalize on the power of the iPad in collecting valuable information from multiple sources into one convenient location. Add to this the ability to share to multiple communities simultaneously. Learn how educators can tap into the power of social media to build a personal professional deve...
[ 教育 ]
With SymbalooEDU teachers can organize and share the best of the web with their students. SymbalooEDU is a free educational tool that allows teachers and students to save their online resources in the cloud with access from any device. Teachers can easily save their favorite web 2.0 sites to a webmix with just a few clicks then share it with colleagues or students. With an account a users resources are available on any iPhone, PC, Mac and iPad. "SymbalooEDU is truly a tool that can empower students and if applied with teacher sup...
[ ニュース ]
Nederlands populairste weblog over Web 2.0, social media en interactieve marketing. Dutchcowboys is opgericht in 2004 en is uitgegroeid tot het populairste weblog van Nederland! Met een vaste redactie en een team van gedreven blogggers biedt Dutchcowboys dagelijks het meest actuele nieuws op gebied van social media, search, Web 2.0 en interactieve marketing. Dutchcowboys volg je niet alleen via het weblog, maar zeker ook via Facebook en Twitter. Met 90.000 volgers op Twitter en 16.000 fans op Facebook, is de Dutchcowboys communi...
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