フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
あの伝説のプリンスに再び会える!待望の傑作がついにiPad版になって登場。大人気アクションアドベンチャーゲームを体感しよう!キミは「時間の砂」の創造を阻止するために海賊船に乗り込み時の島へと向かった。そこで、悪を打ち破るために呪われた宮殿へと潜入するが……。 『Warrior Within』がキミのiPadにやってくる! 家庭用ゲーム機版をそのまま再現! ** iPadの性能を最大限に利用したHDグラフィック。 ** 『プリンス・オブ・ペルシャ』シリーズならではの滑らかでアクロバティックなアクションも健在! ** 家庭用ゲーム機版のムービーと日本語字幕付き英語ボイスをそのまま収...
[ ゲーム ]
Boowie! The strong warrior est là! Un shoot'em up 2D avec une grande qualité graphique où vous combattez des dizaines et des dizaines d'ennemis. Incarner l’Élu de votre peuple : Dans cette aventure, vous contrôlez Boowie, l'unique guerrier du peuple des Weezies, le seul de son espèce à pouvoir rivaliser face à des hordes d'ennemis de l'ombre : les Boozas. Boowie a évolué et acquis son extraordinaire force après avoir maladroitement avalé un Booza, devenant ainsi le héros surpuissant de tout son peuple. Un mix des genres : Boowie...
[ ゲーム ]
☞ SAMURAI II: Vengeance is coming on 21st October ☜ ★ "Samurai is absolutely gorgeous. Not only is it a stunner, but the combat is perfectly paced and a lot of fun to experiment with as you discover the best combos." 8/10 - ign.com ★ "it's a clear example of how cool the iPad could be." - gizmodo.com ★ "best looking apps you can find for the 9.7” screen" - appadvice.com ★ "It is a truly beautiful masterpiece worthy of finding a home on your iPad." - appmodo/ipadmodo.com ★ Multiple award-winning Samurai: Way of the Warrior for iPho...
[ ゲーム ]
Shadow Warrior for iOS, enhanced classic shooter from creators of Duke Nukem 3D (original PC version) – 3D Realms and from developers of Doomsday series (iOS) – General Arcade. Features: - 3 highly customizable control schemes - 11 deadly weapons including katana, shurikens, uzi, rocket launcher and even enemy head - dozens of settings and options including Retro Graphics mode and Voxels - cheat menu - amazing original soundtrack - hordes of cruel enemies - hilarious Lo Wang jokes - drivable vehicles - classic hardcore gameplay - ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Welcome to Kevin Zadai's Official Network. Kevin Zadai is known as the man who went to heaven and back, so he knows that heaven is for real. In 1992 during a routine surgery, I met with Jesus on the other side. The time I spent in the presence of Jesus profoundly changed me to my core. I believe Jesus promised me that my story, including all the things I learned during our conversation, has the capacity to radically change those who read it. It is my prayer that as you read about my visitation, you will experience the same thing...
[ ゲーム ]
Sequel of Chicken Warrior with supplementary stroies of Chicken Revolution Chicken Warrior : Zombie Hunter is simple but it is an action game presenting you lots of fun as a sequel of Chicken Warrior. Supporting over 200 types of weapons, items and skills, a lot of enemies over 100 kinds show up Sudden appearance of Zombies from a well-known pharmaceutical company ruined the city in an instant. Evolving zomies make the situation worse and worse, the government is gathering hunters from all over for zombie project Specialty -V...
[ ゲーム ]
La version lite de Boowie! The strong warrior. Un shoot'em up 2D avec une grande qualité graphique où vous combattez des dizaines et des dizaines d'ennemis. Incarner l’Élu de votre peuple : Dans cette aventure, vous contrôlez Boowie, l'unique guerrier du peuple des Weezies, le seul de son espèce à pouvoir rivaliser face à des hordes d'ennemis de l'ombre : les Boozas. Boowie a évolué et acquis son extraordinaire force après avoir maladroitement avalé un Booza, devenant ainsi le héros surpuissant de tout son peuple. Un mix des gen...
[ ゲーム ]
New Version 1.1 LIVE! Warrior Epic: Sagas is based off of “Warrior Epic,” the popular, free-to-play, online, action RPG game for PC. Set in an exciting fantasy world, Warrior Epic: Sagas is a grand adventure story wrapped in classical role playing gameplay. Players who enjoy the stat side of gaming will find a new addiction in Sagas, which makes intelligent use of the iPhone’s unique gaming style. More about Warrior Epic: Sagas • The Warrior Epic PC experience condensed • Free to play (no hidden costs) • Hundreds of items • 100+...
[ ゲーム ]
Galaxy Warriorは、壮大な3Dグラフィックスとエフェクトを搭載した最新スペースシューティングゲームです。 襲い来るエイリアンや強大なボスを駆逐しつつ、広大な宇宙の中、船を進めましょう。 太陽系にもう発見できるものなんてないように思えるかもしれません。しかし、宇宙の末端では、過酷な戦闘を強いられています。宇宙人の侵入者から銀河系を守ることができるのは、あなただけなのです。 【主な特長】 ● 古典的なシューティングゲームプレイ。Galaxy Warriorは、古典的なシューティングゲームの最新形です。宇宙船を操作しながら侵入してくるエイリアン船を射撃します...
[ ゲーム ]
Karateka is here looking for the world equilibrium ********************************* LIMITED TIME PRICE DROP : FREE!! Third person fighting game on Zen Warrior game mode and side view players on Karate mode. Get this BIG update now!! ********************************* The game puts players into the role of Kuma, a powerful warrior looking for enlightenment and energy equilibrium. Now you can play the new Zen Warrior game mode with awesome features such as combos, special powers, shields, and more! Play with GESTURES Zen Warri...
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