フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
スマホゲームのガチャを無課金で回したい人必見! ガチャクエストモンスターズを始めれば、タダで課金できちゃうんです! 1日で有料ガチャ分 稼ぐのも夢じゃない! ガチャクエストは”ジェム”を使ってガチャを回して出てくるポイントを iTunesギフトコードなどに交換できる無課金ゲーマー必携のおこづかいアプリです。 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 今アプリを始めると超お得! 初心者向け大放出キャンペーン実施中! 今ならなんと他のおこづかいアプリよりも安い、470ptでiTunesギフトコードが交換できる! さらにさらに、今なら交換時に110ptポイントバック! 実質【360pt...
[ ゲーム ]
Always wanted to own a perfect grass-cutter that would cut all the grass around in a satisfying manner ? Now you have opportunity to do it! Buy tons of colorful grass-cutters you have always wanted in our brand new grass-cutter idle game. Best contemplative gameplay ever. If you want cut some grass by yourself don't stop just do it!
[ ゲーム ]
"Super Stickman Golf is my new Angry Birds!" -MTV "***** A perfect 5-star rating. This is a near-flawless sequel" -Macworld -- MORE REVIEWS -- - "One of the best platforming games on the iPhone" -Gamepro - "One of my favourite games!" -Toucharcade - "Definitely a must grab title" -Appspy - "My favorite game of all time for the iDevice" -iPhoneAlley - "A smash hit physics-based puzzle game with a golf mechanic" -Appadvice - "It’s still a complete blast!" -Tapscape - "It's is a total winner. Once you play it you’ll be hooked." -Sl...
[ 教育 ]
「Skoove のインタラクティブなピアノレッスンで、ピアノ演奏という魔法を手に入れよう。 Skoove は、初心者から上級者まで、あらゆるレベルに対応しており、またどのようなピアノやキーボードでも使うことができます。ポップスのヒットソングからクラシックの名曲まで、あなたがお好きな曲を弾きながら、音楽理論や楽譜の読み方、ピアノの演奏技術が自然に学べます。すでに世界中で200万人以上のピアノ愛好家が、Skoove で日々ピアノを学んでいます。 当アプリは、Apple、Forbes誌、The Guardian紙、Wiredなどで紹介されました。 効果的なピアノレッスン ・専門のピアノ教...
[ ゲーム ]
SMASHY ROAD: WANTED 2 受賞歴のあるゲーム:Smashy Road:ウォンテッドが改良を遂げました! お楽しみください:Smashy Road:ウォンテッド 2! あなたは指名手配されています!どれくらい走り続けることができるでしょうか?この壮大な車追跡シミュレーターでチェックしましょう! 特徴 - オープンワールド - 遭遇するあらゆる乗り物を操縦 - 90 のロック解除可能な乗り物 - 60 のロック解除可能なキャラクター - 6 つの謎の乗り物 - 6 つの謎のキャラクター - 乗り物のカスタマイズ - 乗り物をアップグレード - 変化する環境 - 秘密の場所に遭遇するかもしれない、手続き...
[ エンターテインメント ]
***Compatible with all iPhone and iPod touch models running the 3.0 or later operating systems*** Explore the world of Harry Potter with this exciting new iPhone app for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! View official film content including Videos, Posters, Character Information, and More… Now you can interact with an engaging recreation of Dumbledore’s Pensieve – a device that allows you to view memories. You will unlock new Memory Vials as you explore the vast assortment of content that appears in the Pensieve. Insert ...
[ ゲーム ]
Wouldn't you love a game where your actions control the movements of your character? Well that is exactly what we have done with Spartan Athletics. Just like our users, we wanted a sporting game that isn't just button smashing. We wanted to produce a game where the natural motion of swiping and flicking are directly related to how fast and how powerful the characters actions are.  And that is exactly what Spartan Athletics is. The natural gestures and the amazing iPhone screen make this game a sensation. We are not the only ones ...
[ ゲーム ]
Your favorite fizzy dungeon crawler is back! The Dark Lord has locked all sorts of legendary items, loot, and goodies up in his castle behind a seemingly endless guard of monsters, traps, and treachery. Daunting? Not for you— You’ll be safe in the tavern hiring Soda Junkies to do the dirty work for you. Take the loot they bring back to upgrade your tavern, town, and armory to attract stronger adventurers, then repeat. Build your town, assemble a mighty team, and see if you can make it through the dungeon to the next dimension and b...
[ ゲーム ]
Child-Friendly • No Ads • Parental Controls ABOUT PAZU Pazu is a mobile games company that creates and publish beautiful digital games especially designed for kids.   GIRLS HAIR SALON - GLOW Girls Hair Salon is a fun and interactive game from developers PAZU Games. Now you can own your own hair salon where you can color, cut, and dress your very own animated characters! Become the fashion glow stylist you’ve always wanted to be and makeover your character as you wish. Girls Hair Salon is a hair game full of interactive features an...
[ ゲーム ]
Dude Theft wars: Open world Sandbox Simulator BETA is a funny physics based action game Offline & Online Multiplayer Games mode that include action, cool & relaxing games. It is one of the best open world games that include funny games with physics based games.. Its offline story mode has a big open world map with cool graphics & action packed missions. Best Online Multiplayer Games & Gun Games In Online multiplayer games you can play with friends. Play two online multiplayer games modes, Free For All & Team Deathmatch online gam...
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