フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
- Over 500 world's MOST beautiful and famous MASTERPIECES of all times! - It's a MUST HAVE for Classical Music lovers! - The BIGGEST Classical Music collection available on the App Store! SOME BENEFITS - Enjoy OVER 500 masterpieces that were professionally handpicked by music experts and performed by famous orchestras around the world! - Browse through the BIOGRAPHY of legendary composers! - Discover stunning compositions of 36 BEST composers ever known! - Familiarize with the classical essentials in an HD format! SPECIAL FEATUR...
[ ライフスタイル ]
– Setzen Sie strahlende Akzente – mit Honsel Leuchten und vielen anderen Marken-Lampen Licht erzeugt Wohlgefühl – erleben Sie es! In unserem Onlineshop finden Sie eine riesige Auswahl hochwertiger Lampen, etwa die innovativen Honsel-Leuchten. Beleuchten Sie Innen- und Außenräume ganz nach Ihren Vorstellungen. Bei uns finden Sie Wohnraumleuchten für Wohnzimmer, Küche, Büro, Schlafzimmer, Kinderzimmer und Flur. Erzeugen Sie die passende Beleuchtung, die Sie für ein angenehmes Leben und Arbeiten benötigen. Setzen Sie Ihre Räume gekon...
[ ゲーム ]
By definition no one should be obsessed by revenge because negative feelings inside us, lead to something worse but we are all humans and in most of the cases we can't stay away from our emotions, even if we like to do that. Sometimes we are not capable of doing anything to bring peace to ourselves after we have experienced something unpleasant or after something that has happen to our close ones but who knows how it would be if we were on the side of the justice. Are professionals like policemen and judges capable of keeping their...
[ ミュージック ]
It’s the perfect introduction to the orchestra for children aged 4 and above. The orchestra is the most amazing musical team! Come and explore all the instruments in this stylish sequel to Naxos’s My First Classical Music App. In this brand new app, there is a very special guide to the orchestra: a little green creature called Tormod. He is a troll who has come from the top of a mountain in Norway to find out about music! Can you help him find his way home while he shows you round the orchestra? Every instrument has its own page...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Nietzsche was born in Röcken, the Prussian province of Saxony, on October 15th, 1844. His father died when Nietzsche was five years old, hence, his childhood was spent with his mother, sister and two maiden aunts. At fourteen the young Nietzsche was awarded a scholarship to enter the preparatory school, Schulpforta, with the intent of training for the clergy. He excelled in religious studies, German literature, and classical studies. He also began to suffer from migraine headaches, an ailment that would trouble him for most of his ...
[ ミュージック ]
- Over 500 world's MOST beautiful and famous MASTERPIECES of all times! - It's a MUST HAVE for Classical Music lovers! - The BIGGEST Classical Music collection available on the App Store! SOME BENEFITS - Enjoy OVER 500 masterpieces that were professionally handpicked by music experts and performed by famous orchestras around the world! - Browse through the BIOGRAPHY of legendary composers! - Discover stunning compositions of 36 BEST composers ever known! - Familiarize with the classical essentials in an HD format! SPECIAL FEATU...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Cette version d'évaluation gratuite, avec un contenu restreint, permet d'explorer rapidement l'ensemble des fonctionnalités de la version Pro, et donne un bon aperçu de cette version complète. La version complète de l'application mobile Flora Helvetica vous propose des photographies et des fiches descriptives de plus de 3300 espèces rencontrées en Suisse et facilite leur identification à l'aide d'une clé multi-critères. Cette clé rend la détermination possible à l'aide d'un choix libre de critères simples. La version Pro offre en ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
***Release price for a short time only*** MyOperas, your opera companion 2.0 The search for the right texts or buying them one minute before the opera starts, is over. MyOperas offers you the original opera texts (libretti) of the greatest composers and most important operas of all times. Features: - Includes Libretti and cast of the best-liked operas of our time - Additional information of the composers and operas - Special "Dark Mode", to read the text without disturbing your neighbor - Auto-scrolling allows you simple readin...
[ ミュージック ]
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge You can see the portraits of great composers and read about them while listening to the best Operas ever composed in human history. This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. Have a try, for you and your kids! √√APP FEATURES -High quality music -Play: Shuffle or Order -Repeat mode: One, All or Favorite Only -Music list: By Composer, By Favorite and All -Search Composer or music -Background play -Display Composer Portrait when playing or screen locked -Play/Pause/Next/Previ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Die Flora Helvetica Light App enthält Bilder und Artporträts von mehr als 3000 in der Schweiz wachsenden Pflanzen und ermöglicht mit einem Multikriterienschlüssel das Bestimmen von Pflanzen anhand einfacher Merkmale. Die Pflanzenporträts sind mit Bildern, Verbreitungskarten und informativen Texten ausgestattet. In einem Feldbuch können eigene Beobachtungen mit dem genauen Standort gespeichert und an das nationale Daten- und Informationszentrum Info Flora gemeldet werden. Zudem können Favoriten verwaltet und die eigenen Beobachtung...
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