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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
8ight Ways to Wellness is the framework that guides all the programs and resources offered through WashU Human Resources Employee Well-Being. This challenge is an opportunity to learn about these evidence-based strategies to improve your overall wellbeing and reduce your risk of disease. Features include: • Daily exercise tracking • Individual and team participation • Device connection • 200+ delicious, healthy recipes • Inspiring daily health tips. Note: 8ight Ways to Wellness syncs with the web version through your organization...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Annoying people can be fun!!! This app gives 500+ ways to annoying someone with crazy ideas. Making sense really isn't helping when you want to irritate people. Rather, try to do something new. This app gives some good ways to offend or irritate people around you and have fun while doing irritating things for someone. Life is full of irritations and annoyances that occur when we are impatient, displeased or provoked to anger. The work environment is especially plagued with irritations caused by co-workers and bosses. At times, we...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
The 101 Ways to Transform Your Life app by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer is an extensive audio compilation of over one hundred positive, life fulfilling affirmations. Each and every message possesses influential significance that will enrich, enlighten, and encourage you to broaden your own world’s view. Having this app on your iPhone or iPod Touch is a convenient way to carry Wayne Dyer’s inspiration with you at all times. The essence of this app is in finding transcendence through the lessons of life and its experiences; furthermore, rein...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
60 Second Profile Guide Me! Your amazing personality and profiling guide to everyone you know at work, home, friends, family, partners and personal relationships! It's the fastest, most accurate and easy version of Jung and Myers Briggs profiles - ever! Based on our Big Five Inspirations and the art and science of Bauhaus and Kandinsky you get a true picture, not just based on words alone. It's seriously fast and seriously fun. Find out about everyone you know in only 4 fast choices. You have at your fingertips - in less than 6...
[ スポーツ ]
This sailing, boating & marine app aims to give all sailors, boaters & fishermen the knowledge they need to help them navigate safely. Always available on your phone or tablet, both for quick reference and learning, it's with you when you need it. 50 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR NAVIGATION distils over 50 years experience of navigating a whole range of craft from high speed power boats and lifeboats to ships and sailing boats. This app is your passport to practical navigation techniques at sea that will get you safely to your destination ...
[ メディカル ]
The top selling Fight Cancer app of all time has returned! Ways Fight Off Cancer is a app that includes some Information for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment and Remedies !! Ways Fight Off Cancer includes Great Foods That Fight Cancer Bananas for Cancer Can Olive Leaf Extract Help Fight Cancer? Can Black Seed Oil Fight Cancer? 3 Ways to Fight Cancer Naturally Anti-Angiogenic Foods Herbs and Spices and Cancer Prevention Fight Different Kinds of Cancer With Different Foods BRUSSEL SPROUTS KILL CANCER Asparagus Cancer ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
This is Best Ways To Gain Weight App . Best Supplements to Gain Weight Can You Reduce Menopausal Weight Gain College Weight Gain: A Heavy Burden on The Minds of Teens Does Lorazepam Cause Weight Gain Download and Enjoy reading Best Ways To Gain Weight App!
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
What has happened in the past thirty years that has caused us to become such a nation of stressed out individuals? Is society expecting too much from us or are we expecting too much from ourselves? Why are so many people suffering from the following? Are you having or observing ? Years ago, no one ever even heard of these conditions, now they are featured in every magazine you encounter. There is a huge demand to treat both depression and anxiety, which usually go hand in hand and are the offspring of stress. This app is the answer...
[ ファイナンス ]
Discover 62 Amazing Ways To Save Money At The Gas Pump! In this guide, you'll find everyday ways to make that dollar stretch your gas tank. Here is just SOME of the information you will find inside: ★ The percentage of your fuel that is automatically wasted every time you use your car - and how to keep that number at a bare minimum. ★ A little known figure about gas mileage that you can use to save money on your taxes. ★ An easy way to let credit cards save you up to $300/year on gas. ★ A little known secret about what time ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
*** 72 Hour Sale - 60% Off - Buy Soon *** Ways To Save Electricity is a app that includes some very helpful Tips for Practical Steps to Get You Started Right Now !! Ways To Save Electricity includes Easy Ways To Save Electricity For Years To Come Wind and Solar Electric Power Solar and Wind Electric Generator Three Easy Ways to Save Electricity at Home Review of Earth4Energy Solar Energy Benefits Different Ways to Save Electricity Reduce Your Electric Bill Affordable Ways to Save Electricity and Pocket the Extra M...
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