フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 旅行 ]
Do you like to travel and can boast of fairish collection of visas in your passport? Then we bet, that you often bother your head with counting the last days of staying abroad, and fear to come to the airport with an expired visa? It’s no wonder, as today visa is required for Russian citizens at the entrance to 64 countries all over the world. Counting the stamps about crossing the border can become your forced «hobby», even if you have one multivisa. My Visa is: Information about all your visas List of your trips Important remin...
[ 旅行 ]
Passport and visa information in your pocket. We have developed a comprehensive resource for all U.S. citizens to get their passport forms, find locations, video tutorials and get their passport photos nationwide. The passport and visa app everyone should have.
[ ファイナンス ]
Você é cliente dos cartões Ben Alimentação ou Ben Refeição? Baixe o app Ben Visa Vale e tenha todos os recursos para administrar com facilidade os seus benefícios. Desbloqueie e ative quantos cartões Ben tiver em seu nome. Altere as senhas a qualquer momento, faça buscas por estabelecimentos conveniados, consulte o saldo disponível e muito mais. Tudo prático e fácil. Cadastre seus cartões • Ben Alimentação; • Ben Refeição. Principais Funcionalidades • Cadastre quantos cartões Ben Visa Vale tiver; • Bloqueio/Desbloqueio temporár...
[ ビジネス ]
С помощью "Kapital24 VISA" Вы сможете: - просматривать свои VISA карты, открытые в АКБ "Капиталбанк", активные и закрытые; - блокировать/разблокировать карты; - переводить средства между картами VISA; - получать минивыписку; - включать/отключать интернет платежи и магнитную ленту; - и другие функции; - узнать дислокацию наших банкоматов;
[ 教育 ]
Guiding You Through Citizenship, Visa and Greencard Applications. I have created this App based on my own experience as I have gone through all the stages of immigration myself to get visa , Extend it. Travelled to Mexico to stamp H1B and got Green card .The team is ward winning App Developers . I will guide you on the right track with best attorney in US who have helped me and now he is my friend along with immigration assistant for many around the world .Trust the professional in this business vs. some newcomer trying to ...
[ 教育 ]
Are you ready to rise to the challenge? Visa and the National Football League have teamed up to help teach financial concepts with Financial Football, a fast-paced, interactive game that engages players while teaching money management skills. Players compete by answering questions about personal finance in order to earn yardage and score touchdowns. The more you play the game, the better chance you have of helping your favorite team climb the leaderboard. Get in some pregame training by using the student activities to sharpen you...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Dining Visa 立即體驗餐飲優惠, 下載 Dining Visa 即享多間餐廳折扣優惠,再度惠顧,優惠更多。立即成為會員,投入餐飲優惠新時代! 3歩享用優惠券: 1.開啟藍牙及定位服務進入餐廳 2.使用優惠券,立即升級 3.下次惠顧優惠更多 如想加盟或有任何查詢,請聯絡: info@diningvisa.com 或致電 3902 2062 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dining-Visa-952462901498370/ IG: diningvisa
[ 教育 ]
iPhone 8 and 8+ ready, iOS 11, Updated with all latest immigration questions and answers. One stop for all your immigration questions and answers including all Links to download forms. This app is created using our real life experience of immigrating to the United States. Got Visa, Greencard and Citizenship for our Children.We will guide you on the right track with the best attorney in US. Have travelled to Mexico for stamping Visa and came back safely to US. Don't waste your time & money on cheap new apps by the new comers wh...
[ ファイナンス ]
O cartão Nui é a forma inteligente e moderna de fazer pagamentos Com o aplicativo Nui você poderá desbloquear o cartão, consultar saldo e o extrato de seus cartões, alterar a senha, ativar um novo cartão, realizar transferências entre cartões e recarregar seus cartões. Com o cartão recarregável Nui Visa você não tem consulta prévia, compra online de forma segura, tem privacidade do seu uso, controle de gastos, saldos e compras em tempo real, sem juros e aceito em todos os estabelecimentos Visa no mundo. Sempre lembre de usar o ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Découvrez les lieux et les expositions du festival international de photojournalisme, Visa pour l'image à Perpignan. Ce logiciel vous permet de sélectionner l'exposition que vous souhaitez visiter et vous indique le chemin à suivre à partir de votre point de départ, mais aussi de sélectionner un lieu d'exposition pour connaître les photographes exposés et découvrir quelques unes des photos présentées. Visa pour l'image est le rendez-vous annuel des photographes de presse venant du monde entier et relaie depuis 20 ans l'actualité ...
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