フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ユーティリティ ]
This flight instruments indicates whether your aircraft is in level flight, climbing or descending.
Vertical speed indicator (VSI) also known as a rate of climb / descent indicator or variometer.
It can be calibrated in feet/minute or metres/second.
Extra features:
•Ground speed indicator
Enjoy the app and FLY SAFE!
The FlyGoo team.
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[ ライフスタイル ]
This APP is specially designed for GE Lighting Asia Market, including both products & case studies for 5 main vertical markets,
Besides products and case studies, it also includes history milestones of GE Lighting. Users can easily obtain message of inventions and innovations of different decades of GE Lighting.
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[ スポーツ ]
Escapades Verticales 56350 Saint Vincent sur Oust.
Le parcours aventure est situé au cœur du grand site naturel de l’Île aux Pies (près de Redon).
L’originalité du parcours : Un mixte d’accrobranche et d’escalade (unique en Bretagne).
Accessible à partir de 5 ans, vous évoluerez entre les arbres et la falaise sur 5 parcours de difficulté croissant.
Nouveauté 2013 : une ligne de vie continue pour des escapades 100 % sécurisées. (Vert Voltige innovation).
Développé par http://AppDeveloppeur.com
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Take the 30 Day Plyometrics Challenge and see what you’re made of! Shape and tone your whole body with this professionally designed 30 day program.
- Professionally designed plyo program to improve performance and burn tons of calories
- Built in rest days for maximum recovery
- Keeps track of what days you’ve completed and what days are left
- Video description on how to perform each exercise perfectly
- Clean and beautiful interface that is a pleasure to use every day
Plyo Benefits
- Helps to improve sport/athlete perf...
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[ ゲーム ]
Prepare for war! In the heat of the Vietnam War it's your job to pilot a Huey helicopter to transport American soldiers into and out of hostile territory to help bring an end to this conflict. Fly troops from our headquarters and bases to outlying North Vietnamese Army bases to tackle their forces and take control of villages. Rescue troops if they're hopelessly surrounded by enemy forces and use the guns and rockets on your chopper to back-up the ground troops that you've transported. With your skill we can win this war!
New for ...
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[ ファイナンス ]
The Square of Nine used by W.D.Gann is re-arranged so that it can be displayed vertically to fit an iPhone. This Square of Nine Vertical™ instantly calculates support and resistance using known high or low prices. Unlike conventional retracements, you do not need to know the entire range for the calculation. Also, another mode calculates support and resistance based on the Square of Nine natural numbers and displays nearest to the input price. These two calculation modes can be toggled back and forth by clicking a radio button. Bu...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Queremos compartir con vosotros la experiencia de un Reloj con funciones de alarma, el cual podreis tener en un dock en vuestra mesilla o donde más os guste.
Con él, podreis ver el reloj en cualquier momento (por muy dormidos que esteis) y sin miedo a que os deslumbre la luz, gracias a su nivel de intensidad de luminosidad (solo hay que deslizar el dedo por la pantalla verticalmente para ajustarlo).
Además podeis cambiar los temas que tiene disponibles para que podais personalizar la aplicación a vuestro gusto.
Podeis añadir ta...
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[ スポーツ ]
Vertical, c'est le magazine emblématique de la haute montagne !
Toutes ses pratiques y sont représentées : falaises et hauts sommets pour tous ceux qui sont passionnés par le rocher et la conquête des sommets. Images fantastiques, récits passionnants, infos internationales du milieu de l’alpinisme de haut niveau, topos, conseils des pros pour bien débuter et progresser (sécurité, équipement) sont les ingrédients qui ont fait la renommée internationale de Vertical.
Profitez de l'abonnement « Full Access » pour accéder à l'ensemble ...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Vertical Text Lite lets you write texts in COLUMNs on a photo(background image) and share it with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, and email.
Vertical Text Lite was targeted for countries in Asia where the language is commonly written vertically such as Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. But Vertical Text is still enjoyable even if you don’t know those kind of languages.
- You can move texts with your finger and control the spaces between columns with two fingers.
- You can change the font, color, and size of the texts.
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Vertical jump training from one of the top vertical jump experts.
Articles, videos, exercises, and information on how to jump higher and be a more explosive athlete.
Jacob Hiller has taught thousands of people to jump higher with his popular system \"The Jump Manual.\"
Now you can have access to many of his articles and videos right from your Apple.
Features include:
- Video training section
- Ask a question section
- Dunk videos section
Please note that this is not \"The Jump Manual\" but a free jump training resource. \"The...
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