フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ フード/ドリンク ]
Download your FREE La Vita App today! We take pride in our home style family recipes and our dishes are prepared fresh on the premises daily to ensure they are of the highest quality every time. We have four locations in and around Glasgow and love serving delicious, fresh Italian food to our wonderful customers. Delicious food created just for you, with authentic Italian food passion! Download your FREE La Vita App today for tons of great features. Keep track of our events, loyalty offers and special in-App deals. Order our tast...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Met de app van La Vita Sana kunnen alle leden direct informatie ophalen over het lesrooster, de laatste nieuwtjes lezen, informatie over onze instructeurs opvragen en foto's bekijken van alle evenementen. Daarnaast kan je deze app ook goed gebruiken voor je eigen trainingsprogramma. Zo kan je gebruik maken van onze uitgebreide oefeningen database en hierbij ook fitnessprogramma's volgen. Wil je weten hoe je er zelf voor staat, doe dan de fitness testen. En wil je hier wat aan doen, vergeet niet de tips te lezen over voeding en fi...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
FOCUS DONNE E BAMBINI AL CENTRO - Bioetica, cultura, vita, donna ed empowerment, attualità, svilupposostenibile e associazionismo sono le principali tematiche trattate nelle rubriche del Sì alla Vita Light. Potrai leggere notizie, recensioni, commenti e testimonianze legate all'accoglienza dei più piccoli e indifesi, primi fra tutti il bambino concepito e la donna, in particolare nella fase della gravidanza e della maternità. Portiamo avanti uno stile giornalistico che non si ferma alla volontà di fare scoop ma vuole costruire: c...
[ ゲーム ]
== Featured in What's Hot Category == How about adopting a dragon? Play Dragon Vita to hatch, raise and breed awesome 3D dragons and build the ultimate Dragon Park to brag about! √ Build the perfect Dragon Park from scratch √ Hatch, Raise and Evolve awesome 3D Dragons √ Pet, Feed and Take care of your Beautiful Dragons √ Breed Dragons to obtain new and unique ones √ Build Decorations to welcome your Park visitors √ Compete in the Arena to win Prizes √ Visit your Park in 3D and admire your Dragons in all their glory! √ Take...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Protect this lovely girl Vita from monster attack. Features: • Casual shooting game. Easy and fun to play. • Look at this lovely girl Vita in different perspectives by rotating the device.
[ ビジネス ]
Conference brings all Vita Group leaders together to celebrate successes, improve leadership skills and discover what the future holds. Vita Conferences are fun, engaging and full of discovery. In each action-packed day, you will collaborate with colleagues and suppliers, build on product knowledge, learn new skills and share the collective wisdom; it's an important opportunity to reflect on what you're doing well and where you need to focus in the future. The Vita Conference app puts important conference resources at your fingert...
[ ビジネス ]
Met de App van Vita Wonen bent u altijd op de hoogte van ons actuele aanbod! Met deze App informeren wij u nog beter en sneller over ons totale aanbod via uw smartphone of tablet. Wat is uw gemak? Als eerste op de hoogte van nieuw aanbod in uw regio, snel en eenvoudig woningen zoeken, automatisch geïnformeerd worden over (prijs-)wijzigingen van uw favoriete woningen, eenvoudig een bezichtiging of een afspraak voor een hypotheekadvies plannen. Wie zijn wij? Vita Wonen is uw actieve NVM Makelaar voor verkoop, verhuur en aankoop v...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
“Go download the Vita-mind Dr. Sleep app. You have nothing to lose, except that nasty case of insomnia.” - theiphoneappreview.com “'I’ve been blown away by the sessions in the Vita-mind series. Not only do I get better sleep at night, I feel better rested in the morning, and can really focus on work during long production sessions..” - Justine Ok, Sony AVT music composer With some great user feedback and word of mouth, Vita-mind Dr. Sleep shot up to become the No.1 paid app in the Health and Fitness category (iTunes Store Korea) ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
◆ 熟眠ドクター発売からわずか1ヵ月で、しかも口コミで韓国健康カテゴリ1位! ◆ 熟眠ドクターとスタディパワーが韓国アプリランキングで全体1位、2位! ◆ 発売3ヵ月で本シリーズの有料・無料ダウンロードの累積件数が150,000件達成! ◆ 各種メディアが話題のアプリとして注目 ◆ ダイエット&フィットネスについて *活力溢れる毎日を送りたい、集中力が落ちて効果的な運動ができない、代謝量を上げて大量のカロリーを燃やしたい、運動後にエネルギーを早く回復したい、自然治癒力をアップしたい。こんな方に「ダイエット&フィットネス」をおすすめします。 *米国のクリニッ...
[ 教育 ]
La Vita Scolastica da oggi anche su iPad! Sei un abbonato Più o un abbonato Web a La Vita Scolastica? Scarica l’applicazione gratuita, e inserendo il tuo codice abbonato potrai leggere tutti i numeri della rivista direttamente sul tuo iPad, con un largo anticipo rispetto alla versione cartacea. E anche se non sei abbonato, scarica comunque l’applicazione: potrai scaricare i numeri omaggio e scoprire perché La Vita Scolastica è la rivista più letta dagli insegnanti della scuola primaria! In ogni numero articoli, interviste e appro...
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