フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ミュージック ]
Tune Uzbekistan radios in your iPhone or iPod. This app works with radios that uses Internet to broadcast.
It works even on iPod.
- Dynamic Updates of new Radio Stations
- Search by radio name;
- Favorites to choose more easily;
- Memorize the last radio station tuned.
- Sound continues even on Sleep Mode... :)
- You can program the app to turn off after some defined time by you;
- Improved design.
- iOS4 ready. You can listen to your radio in background!!
- This app needs WiFi or 3G. If you are using ...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
O'zingizni qanchalik bilimdon ekanligingizni bilmoqchimisiz? Demak, Bilag'on ilovasi aynan siz uchun! Ha yoki Yo'q uslubidagi hamda Test ko'rnishidagi qiziqarli savol-javoblar sizning ilmingizga ilm qo'shadi. Biz jamoamiz bilan O'zbek xalqiga taluqli va biz uchun muhim bo'lgan savollar ustida ham ishladik va bo'lar-bo'lmas savollarni chetlab o'tdik. Ilovada quyidagi yo'nalishlarda bilimingizni sinash imkoniga egasiz:
- Geografiya
- Tarix
- Sport
- Ilm-fan
- Qiziqarli faktlar
- Hayvonat olami
- Texnologiya
- Shou-Biznes
Ilovani b...
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[ 旅行 ]
The best way to appreciate the convenience of our app is to download it and start using it to order a taxi and other transport. Rates vary. Ride to the railway station, airport, or another city. Pay by cash or card. Enjoy discounts and promo codes.
Since 2003, we’ve been developing innovative taxi ordering technologies, making our service more modern, affordable, and safe. Our service is helping millions of people save money as they commute and travel.
If you need a cheap taxi every day, choose our Economy rate. If you value...
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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Stay close to your loved ones around the world with Libon. Call international landlines and cell phones with high quality at the best price. Send mobile and Data recharge without any hidden fees and enjoy every promotion and bonus.
Make it easy for your family and top up their electricity account.
Libon international calls:
Unlike other call apps, only the person who calls needs to install Libon. The person who receives the call will only have to pick up the phone
How to call with Libon?
=> Download the app on your smartphone and...
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[ 旅行 ]
Convert more than 170 currencies and cryptocurrencies. Useful for all travellers and businesspeople. It works offline.
Currency Converter is a handy MUST-HAVE app. Convert the price of an item you're going to buy, negotiate your exchange rates easily... And this currency calculator is working OFFLINE :)
- Currency calculator
- Do basic math calculations
- Support over 170 world currencies and crypto-currencies
- Works offline
- A friendly and intuitive user interface
- A large entry field for a quick search
- Curre...
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[ ナビゲーション ]
Yandex Navigator is the perfect companion for drivers.
It helps you find your way around the city with fast, convenient directions that avoid traffic jams and road closures. If road conditions change, Yandex Navigator adjusts your route on the fly.
No surprises on the road
Get detailed directions as you drive and find out about road conditions ahead of time. The app warns you about traffic, speed limits, cameras, and road closures.
It also lets you know when there’s an upcoming turn or complex intersection. And since it does that...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
With this professional AI passport photo booth,
you can create passport photos,
official photo size for VISA photos,
ID photos, student’s card photos, driver license photos, test registration or job application photos, etc.
This AI passport photo app, you can create, format, save or print multiple passport photos in seconds any time, any places.
It comes with passport photo templates for over 100 countries, and it applies biometric technology and
Artificial Intelligence technology to make sure your photos are well qualified f...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
A free Quran reading and listening app offering 6 widely-used Quranic prints and an offline text-based Quran to our respected app users around the globe.
1. Hafizi Quran (Saudi Print)
2. Color Coded Tajweed Quran
3. Madani Quran (Uthmani Print)
4. Color Coded Hafizi Quran
5. Nurani Quran (Emdadia Library)
6. Hafizi Quran (Emdadia Library)
Read quran , listen to quran audio. A must app to keep for Ramadan and Hajj.
Use it for memorizing or hifz quran by reading or listening to best reciters' telawat.
1. Easy and user...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Televideniya, minglab filmlar, seriallar, multfilmlar va sevimli konsertlarni istaganingizcha tomosha qiling va trafik sarflanishi bo’yicha xavotir olmang! Beeline TV - bu TV ni efir vaqtida yoki yozib olingan holda tomosha qilish qobiliyatiga ega bo’lgan yangi avlod onlayn kinoteatri!
Faqat Beeline abonentlari uchun! «Beeline TV» xizmatidan foydalanish uchun cheksiz trafik taqdim etiladi! Paketdagi internet-trafikni sarflamagan holda, Beeline TV ni tomosha qiling! Va internet xizmati uchun hisobingizdan hech qanday mablag’ sarfla...
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