フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Colortune helps to recolor selected parts of your photo with just few taps. It lets you gray out everyone in an image, except for yourself. The results can be dramatic! Features: - Color & UnColor : Color & UnColor the area you touched - Undo & Redo : undo & redo for precise work ! - Zoom & Rotate : Zoom & rotate to work in detail ! - Full Resolution : Full resolution surpport - Brush Size : Easily change the Brush Size - Effect opacity : Easily change Effect opacity - Share : Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and many more. suppor...
[ ゲーム ]
ナンバープレース ▦ is one of the best loved and most popular puzzle games in the world. Now you can play the classic paper and pencil puzzle game right on your phone! With our simple and elegant design, Tripledot’s ナンバープレース ▦ for mobile is the best way to play this timeless classic. Challenge your problem-solving skills with an expert-level game or take a break with a quick game on easy mode. Whether you’re a hyper competitive puzzle solver or just looking for a way to relax, a beginner or a master puzzler, Tripledot’s ナ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
"PicsPlay, 最高のフォトエディター!" あなたの写真をより素敵で感動的なものにしてくれる200種類のエフェクトとツールを提供するPicsPlay! 普段の日常写真から旅先で撮った風景写真まで、あなたの写真に美しさを感動をプラスしてみてはいかがでしょうか。 これ以上易しい写真アプリはない!タッチするだけで一味違う写真に。今日からあなたはプロ顔負けのフォトグラファーです。 *PicsPlayはiPadとiPhone/iPod touchの両方に互換性のあるインターフェイスを提供する最高のユニバーサルフォトエディタです。 *アメリカ「フォーブス」選定、最高のフォトエディターPicsP...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
「Photo消しゴム」は、写真を投稿する前に見せたくないところを簡単に隠せる、とても便利なぼかしアプリです。ズームして細かいところを薄くぼかせるので、ちょっとしたシワ/シミ隠しにも使えます。 写真投稿時にやりたい次の一連の作業がPhoto消しゴム1本で全部カバーできます。 しかも全ての操作がとても簡単。 1.余計な部分をトリミングして、見せたいところを中心にする 2.見せたくない細かいところをちょこちょこっとぼかし入れ 3.投稿先にあったサイズにリサイズ 4.撮影日時、位置情報等の写真情報削除を確認 5.そのままSNSに投稿 編集の必要がない場合も、いつもPhoto...
[ ゲーム ]
This is the OFFICIAL and ORIGINAL 2048 game created by Gabrielle Cirulli. Join the numbers to reach the 2048 tile and beyond! Simply swipe to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one. Reach the 2048 tile and keep playing to reach the 4092 and even higher value tiles! Elegantly designed with undo, detailed statistics, silky-smooth play and key features including: • Classic play or Time trial • Swipe anywhere to move tiles • Tap undo to reverse a swipe • Beautiful high-resolution graphics • La...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Follow Us On Twitter @colorfulaqua New features: Feeding: You can feed the fish with food; Moss: Moss growing over time, you can use the clean function in tools menu to clean the moss, also you can turn off it in settings; Sand Replacement: Now you can choose in blue granules and wite sand; Flexible bubbles: You can set the number of bubbles; Knock the aquarium: You can click at the screen anyplace to Scare away the fish; A new fish: Longhorn Cowfish; A new prop: Fan coral, there are three color, if you do not like any color, use ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Rakugakyは写真に落書き加工が楽しめる無料の落書きアプリです。60色のカラーと、ペンの線の太さが6段階まで選べるので、写真にプリクラ風の落書きが楽しめます。 落書きしたい写真を選択すれば、すぐに落書きがはじめられます。 カメラ撮影機能もあるので、撮影した写真に落書きすることも可能です。 写真に落書きした画像をアルバムに保存して、SNSやメール添付して友達に共有できます。 描いた落書きを消す、「消しゴム」機能、1つ前に描いた線を消す、「Undo」機能もあります。 ピンチイン、ピンチアウトで落書きしたい箇所の拡大・縮小が行えます。 また、落書きする写...
[ ゲーム ]
Ball Sort is an addictive and captivating puzzle game that will keep you entertained for hours. With its unique gameplay and challenging levels, it's the perfect game to test your strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.The game features a grid filled with colorful balls of different shapes and sizes. Your objective is to sort these balls by transferring them between tubes until each tube contains a single color. Sounds simple, right? Well, think again! The catch is that you can only move balls of one color at a time, and you...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Drawings is a cool doodling app that allows you to draw, sketch, doodle while you are traveling or just relaxing a home! **Kids Doodle** (NEW) - Creative Kids Doodle brings to life your unique designing experience - 10+ unique canvas backgrounds that you can change while drawing. - You can record your drawing on canvas as a video and share it with your friends - Beautiful preset color palettes: choose one that fits best and fill a picture with colors from soft and muted to bold and lively - Apple Pencil support: enjoy an eas...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Colorful Aquarium is an app, which can make your iPad into a fully customized aquarium, beautifully realistic images and lovely fish will make you relax and pleasure. FEATURES: - Feeding: You can feed the fish with food; - Moss: Moss growing over time, you can use the clean function in tools menu to clean the moss, also you can turn off it in settings; - Sand Replacement: Now you can choose in blue granules and wite sand; - Flexible bubbles: You can set the number of bubbles; - Knock the aquarium: You can click at the screen anypl...
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