フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
Ihre eigene APP zur Gerätesteuerung in 5 Minuten Die App „logicware Evaluation Kit“ gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre eigene Steuerung einfach per Smartphone zu bedienen. Sie ist zur Hilfestellung bei Entwicklungsaufgaben und Test vorgesehen. Mit „logicware EK“ können Sie ohne jegliche eigene App-Entwicklung beliebige Geräte, Beleuchtungen oder Schaltungen mit seriellem Anschluß aus Ihrem WLAN oder über das Internet ansteuern. Sie tragen in der App bei einem ausgewählten Button lediglich Ihren gewünschten Befehl (Protokoll) ein. Di...
[ ユーティリティ ]
本應用必須搭配欣宏電子所販售BLE相關產品,此應用程式為工程開發所設計,可針對底下通道做讀寫設定及讀取相關資訊,另外可更改BLE模組的名稱以及針對Uart 做BaudRate設定. 在寫入方面支援ASCII及Hex. SIGNAL Tool is develop for test E-SIGNAL Module(AMICCOM A8105). If you use A8105 module which is bought from E-Signal company, It's support Device Information setting. Just like Fix Device Local name、Manufacture、Serial Number、 Name、BaudRate、Tx Power、ADV Time、BLE Update Time Interval.... It's support of read,write and notify control, and Hex ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
GRToolbox是一款由Goodix自主开发的iOS BLE Profile/Service功能测试工具,用于同Goodix BLE开发平台进行Profile/Service功能联调,目前涵盖测试功能包含: • BPM (Blood Pressure Monitor) • CSC (Cycling Speed and Cadence) • HRS (Heart Rate Service) • HTM (Health Thermometer Monitor) • RSC (Running Speed and Cadence) • DFU (Device Firmware Update) • PCS (Power Consumption Profile) • RELAY (Heart Rate Sensor & Running Speed and Cadence Sensor Relay) • THS (Thoughput Service) • UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) GRToolbox提供通...
[ ユーティリティ ]
This app is a collection of rich demo projects for makers, electronics enthusiast, or engineering students. Features 1. Support different boards • 8051 • Atmega16 • Arduino Uno • NodeMCU • ESP32 • STM32 • Raspberry Pi 2. Display projects • Character LCM 16x2, 20x4 • Graphic LCM 128x64, LCM5110 (84x48) • I2C OLED 96x64, SPI OLED 96x64 • TFT 176x220 • UART HMI TFT Display 3. Sensors Projects • DHT11 (temperature and humidity) • BMP180 (pressure) • 18B20 (1-wire temperature sensor) • MPU6050 (accelerator + gyroscope) • Pulse senso...
[ 教育 ]
This app is a collection of rich demo projects for makers, electronics enthusiast, or engineering students using arduino development board Features 1. Display projects • Character LCM 16x2, 20x4 • Graphic LCM 128x64, LCM5110 (84x48) • I2C OLED 96x64, SPI OLED 96x64 • TFT 176x220 • UART HMI TFT Display 2. Sensors Projects • DHT11 (temperature and humidity) • BMP180 (pressure) • 18B20 (1-wire temperature sensor) • MPU6050 (accelerator + gyroscope) • Pulse sensor (Measure heart rate) 3. Automation projects • Use an app to contro...
[ 教育 ]
micro:bitのBluetooth UART接続ができるアプリです。 スマホのキーボードを叩くとmicro:bitのLEDに文字が表示されます。 micro:bitから送られてきた文字を表示します。 サンプルでは、Aボタンを押すとHelloが送られてスマホに表示されます。 使い方 1.micro:bitをプログラムします 2.micro:bitのソフトを起動してBluetooth接続待ち状態にします(サンプルでは、四角マークを表示しています) 3.アプリの「micro:bit接続」ボタンを押します 4.接続が完了すると真ん中の四角い表示(送信文字表示)が黒色になり、micro:bitにチェックマークが表示されます 5.キーボードを打...
[ ユーティリティ ]
With this serial UART terminal app it is possible to communicate via Bluetooth Low Energy between ESP32, Arduino, Raspberry pi or other PC's equipped with Nordic nRF or Texas Instruments CC2541 MCU’s. ESP32 board and Arduino/Raspberry RP2040, Arduino Nano BLE 33, and Arduino SAMD boards like the MKR1010 have built in BLE MCU’s.
 With this PRO version it is possible to choose between the two BLE protocols . 
 The app transmits and receives strings between the connected BLE device with a large window containing received data and an e...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
The MM8003 is a precision 9-axis Orientation Sensor Module (OSM) with both wired (USB) and wireless (Bluetooth) connectivity. It provides fused sensor data (Quaternion, Euler Angles, Linear Acceleration, Gravity, Heading) or raw data output from a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis accelerometer, and a 3-axis magnetometer. A 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 processor running a high-performance sensor fusion algorithm with mCube Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) can dynamically compensate noise and offset from g-force, rotation rate and environment magnetic...
[ ユーティリティ ]
The APP provide fast remote control for GoLed. For easy use to switch mode or setting. GoLed support PWM-Led, PCH-Led, 2812-Led and DMX512 light. Support Auto-Ambient light , BT Control light and USB to Uart Ambient light mode. Provides 5 sets of time alarms that can be automatically turned on and off in unattended mode.
[ 仕事効率化 ]
With this serial UART terminal app it is possible to communicate between Arduino, Raspberry pi or other PC's equipped with Nordic nRF. The ESP32 boards, RP2040, Arduino Nano BLE 33, and Arduino SAMD board like the MKR1010 have built in BLE. Unlike most apps strings over 20 bytes are not truncated making is possible to use descriptive menu's to communicate with the BLE equipped computer. This app is intended as a preview for the full BLE serial PRO edition that is able to connect to BLE Texas Instruments CC2541 and Nordic nRF MCU's ...
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