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[ 仕事効率化 ]
TextEdit+は、あなたのiPadおよびiPhoneのための洗練された高速テキストエディターです。macOS(TextEdit)およびMS Windows(WordPad)で提供されるテキストエディターと互換性があります。Nisus Writer、MacDown、TeXStudioなどのRTF、TXT、Markdown、またはLaTeXエディターもサポートしています。
あなたが常に書いているわけではないなら、Microsoft WordやApple Pagesのようなフル機能のワードプロセッサーは必要ないかもしれません。でも、テキストを扱う柔軟なツールが欲しいかもしれません。何か知っていますか? それはすでにTextEdit+という名前で存在しています。
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
TextEdit Genius combines the best tools you need to get all of your work done in one place, and now syncs your files across all your devices with iCloud.
TextEdit Genius is a powerful, user-friendly text editor and web browser combined in one app.
* Edit plaintext documents and save to iCloud, FTP or iTunes.
* Sync your text documents to your Mac or Windows from iTunes.
* Look up topics, surf the web and take notes on the same screen, without having to switch apps!
* Email and SMS your text files.
* HTTP and FTP...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
[RTF+Foto] can reach the simple and practical task - synthesize RTF file content and photo. RTF means "Rich Text Format", most word processors are able to read and write some versions of RTF. [RTF+Foto] supports RTF files such as Excel(.xls), Numbers '09(.numbers), Pages '09(.pages), Keynote '09(.key), Rich Text Format(.rtf), Rich Text Format Directory(.rtfd.zip), PDF(.pdf), Power Point(.ppt .pot), Word(.doc).... After RTF files import into [RTF+Foto], background of the RTF content will turn into transparent(images will be trans...
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[ 教育 ]
This NoteBook has 1009 pages.You can enter as many lines as you need in each page.Doctors can use this NoteBook app to store details of their patients.Other professionals also can use this app the way they use paper notebooks and loose papers.
After completing your work in the Text Edit area,SHAKE the iPad to save the current page and to go to next page.
You can add reminder title/text/date to the page number index in Page list.The page list table title initially given as,'PAGE LIST 1 TO 1009' can be changed.
You can scroll up or...
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[ 教育 ]
Представляем видеокурс по AppleScript!
AppleScript — язык сценариев встроенный в Mac OS X, используемой на компьютерах Apple, который состоит из команд для управления операционной системой и программами автоматизации. AppleScript особенно эффективен для выполнения повторяющихся или комплексных задач. Им можно быстро связать несколько приложений в один автоматизированный комплекс. Его синтаксис и возможности мы и будем изучать!
Сколько хороших и полезных скриптов и приложений можно создать используя AppleScript!
С помощью него воз...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
TextPad is a stripped down version of Apple's TextEdit.
It starts up instantly with a plain text editor. There's no iCloud open dialog box to slow you down. It converts anything you copy or paste into plain text.
You can change the default font used in preferences.
Also, there's a setting to disable the Save dialog box to allow you to quickly close a window when you're done with it. Another setting maps the Escape key to close the window you're working with for maximum speed.
TextPad is perfect for jotting down things while you...
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[ 開発ツール ]
A plain text editor with syntax highlighting, line numbers, search and replace, page guide, and much more. It's like TextEdit but more powerful and optimised for iPhone and iPad.
Runestone is made by a single person with a love for text editors and a vision of building the most lightweight text editor for iPhone and iPad that still has the core features for editing code.
- Syntax highlighting of many languages including HTML, JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, Swift, Python, PHP, YAML, and many more.
- Select one of the twelve...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
✭ 50% off for a limited time only ✭
✭ Official Mac App of the Year Award ✭
iA Writer makes sure that all your thought goes into the text — and not into the program. The pure pleasure of writing.
“Minimalism at its finest” ✭✭✭✭✭ GigaOM
“A practically ideal writing environment” ✭✭✭✭✭ NZZ
“I thought TextEdit was simple until I tried Writer” ✭✭✭✭✭ Erik Spiekermann
- Auto Markdown subtly formats your text on-screen without taking your hands off the keyboard
- Focus Mode (patent pending) helps you write o...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
• Featured in AppStore's Best of 2012 and Editor's Choice in several countries •
Actions transforms your device in a smart and customizable controller for your Mac or PC, revolutionizing the axioms of computer interaction.
Drop the uneffective experience of navigating menus or learning always new and abstruse shortcuts, touch your workflow and keep focus on your task.
With Actions your most used commands are always at reach, in the form of a button, and the right ones are automatically served to you in the right context.
Change ...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Textilus Pro 無料ワープロ - Microsoft Office Word、PDF、 OpenOffice に対応したiPad/iPhone専用の書類エディタ
- 高性能でしかも使いやすさにこだわったリッチテキストワードプロ
- Microsoft Word、Open Office、Scrivener、Nisusライターなどの文書作成と編集
- 文書中に写真、グラフ、サインや図面を挿入。
- 自筆のサインを指で書類に書くことができる
- PDF、RTF、RTFD、ePUB、TXT、PNG、Markdown、HTMLなどのフォーマットで エクスポートやメールできる
- Dropbox、Google Drive、BOX、iCloud、Scrivenerに書類を同期
- 日本語...
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