フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ブック ]
♠ “The cleverest iPad book yet … For the first time in my life I am blown away by an interactive book design.” - Gizmodo.com ♠ ♣ "A glimpse of the future of digital reading." - BBC.co.uk ♣ ♥ "A sharp example of how to enhance children's literature on the device." - MacLife.com ♥ ♦ “Alice app for iPad points the way toward a new generation of pop-up books.” - Independent.com ♦ ♠ “Alice in wonderland iPad app reinvents reading.” - TheHuffingtonPost.com ♠ ♣ “Alice for the iPad Shows Why E-Books Are Cool.” - Mashable.com ♣ ♥ "Alice for...
[ 教育 ]
▶ペッパちゃんがイギリスから来た!! ▶子供の英語学習にもいい! ▶全26話 ▶子供自分で撮影できるカメラで好きなアニメーションのキャラクターと一緒に記念写真を撮る機能があります。 ▶Peppa Pig is an animation series for your little one. ▶Download VODs 1 time, Enjoy it Anywhere, Anytime. Even you are on the plane! (It's not Youtube streaming service) ▶Story Line Peppa Pig is an animated series for pre-school children. Peppa Pig lives with Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and her little brother George in a house that sits on top of a green hill. Pe...
[ 教育 ]
200万人以上の子供たちに愛されプレイされ、そして5,000以上の学校で使用されています! -「National Parenting Product Awards 2018」の受賞者-NAPPA Awards -「2018プラチナ賞のベストモバイルアプリ」ノミネート! – BMA 特別な機能: -楷書体と行書体、 -大文字と小文字、 -1〜10の数字、 -幼児向けの24の幾何学図形! -お子様の進歩を追跡します、 -ゴールデンレベルのロックを解除! -72のCVCワード、36のCVCCワード、39のロングサウンドワード! -同じデバイスで最大3人のプレーヤー用に保存された進行状況と設定、 -インタラクティブで視覚的に魅力がある楽しいアニメ...
[ ゲーム ]
If you like this game, please check out our new title Uber Racer 3D Monster Truck Nightmare! Choose your racing style: Blow your enemies off the track or overtake them in a fair race - we mixed both styles together to form an insanely brilliant racing mix. From the developers of Uber Racer and Parcel Panic Jump into the seat of a race car and take the battle to the track - Motorblast takes the racing experience one giant step further! With the assistance of rockets, guns, mines, shields, rocket thrusters, an EMP device and lot...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Who rocks the party? You’ll rock the party... with Party Whistle. With Party Whistle, iPhone owners can celebrate whenever and wherever they want to party! Just blow into your microphone and enjoy the realistic sounds and animations of a party whistle (also known as party horns, blowers and blowouts). Party Whistle is also filled with secrets and surprises that can transform the dullest occasion in to a rocking Whistle party! iPod Touch owners touch to inflate their Party Whistle Features: - Real Party Whistle animations and s...
[ 教育 ]
「BabyBus」を検索して、無料ゲームを試してみよう! 「ベビーパンダの安全確認」で、子どもたちに健康的な生活習慣を身に着けてもらおう。子どもたちに、自然災害が発生したとき、どのように自分の身を守るのかを学んでもらおう! みんな、ぼくらの町へようこそ!ベビーパンダとその仲間たちが、健康ロボットのケアで、町の中で健康的で安全な暮らしをしているよ。 ベビーパンダにはどんな良い習慣をし、どんな暮らしをしているのかのぞいてみよう。 【朝起きたら】 歯ブラシを取って歯をみがく。朝ごはんが熱いなあ…。扇風機でさまそう。 【登園中】 知らない人からもら...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Buy Premium version of OldBooth and gain access to over 170 different styles ! ★ ★ ★ AS SEEN ON TV ★ ★ ★ “The amount of tears that came out of people’s faces and sn*t that flew out of people’s noses. It is the dumbest and most wonderful app, it's endless fun" -Maya Rudolph "OldBooth is a very nicely designed app that’s easy to use, and leads to some good laughs." -Macworld "For comedy value OldBooth is a superb image editor" -Tap! Magazine "OldBooth is just plain fun." -iPhone™ for Dummies Back to the past with OldBooth. H...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
StreamToMe を iPhone、iPod Touch、または iPad で使用すれば、Mac または Windows PC から WiFi や 3G を通じてストリーミングした、*ビデオ*、*ミュージック*、*写真* のファイルを再生できます。あらかじめファイルの変換や同期を行う必要はなく (変換を行わなくても、多数のファイル形式がサポートされています)、ファイルをタップするだけで再生できます。また、TV 出力ケーブル(iPhone4+) や Apple TV を使用すれば、StreamToMe をテレビで再生でき、iPhone/iPod/iPad と Mac/PC が、すべてのファイルのためのホームメディアセンターになります。 また、Intel Mac (OS X...
[ ゲーム ]
You asked for more ROCK, and we're giving it to you! The free Pinball Rocks table now includes a whole new game soundtrack — featuring awesome tracks from Judas Priest, For Today, Kyng, Chevelle, KONGOS, Sylar, Richie Kotzen and Adestria! Pinball Rocks HD is the loudest pinball game ever, brought to you by Sony Music Entertainment and Gameprom. Pinball Rocks HD is a five table compilation featuring a free game loaded with new songs from today's top rock artists and four custom branded unlocks for Alice in Chains, Bullet For My ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
It's already a decade! OldBooth is 10 years old this year! Enjoy all the masks for free and share your creations with us! “The amount of tears that came out of people’s faces and sn*t that flew out of people’s noses. It is the dumbest and most wonderful app, it's endless fun" -Maya Rudolph "OldBooth is a very nicely designed app that’s easy to use, and leads to some good laughs." -Macworld "For comedy value OldBooth is a superb image editor" -Tap! Magazine "OldBooth is just plain fun." -iPhone™ for Dummies Back to the past ...
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