フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ブック ]
<「マガポケ」ってどんなアプリ? > ◎「週刊少年マガジン」&「別冊少年マガジン」の公式マンガアプリ!! ◎人気の連載最新話を “最速” で読めるのはマガポケだけ! ◎ マンガ好き必見! の限定オリジナル連載も続々登場! ◎「月マガ」「シリウス」「ヤンマガ」「モーニング」「アフタヌーン」作品も読める! 毎日たっぷり無料で楽しめる、「新しくて、おもしろい」 キミのためのマンガアプリ、それがマガポケ(マガジンポケット)! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ▼だから、こんな人に特にオススメ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ◆週マガ・別マガ・月マ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
◆◇「知って、得して、楽しめる」コーエーテクモの公式ニュース&ポイントアプリ◇◆ ■「ニュース」…コーエーテクモの最新ゲームニュースをすばやくキャッチ! 公式サイト、ゲームメディアのニュースを集約してカテゴライズ。 コーエーテクモの人気ゲーム「信長の野望」「三國志」「真・三國無双」「戦国無双」「アトリエ」「DEAD OR ALIVE」シリーズをはじめとした、人気ゲーム作品の最新情報をわかりやすくご覧いただけます。 さらに、ここでしか見られないオリジナルニュースも掲載。 ・「ファミ通.com」「4Gamer.net」などのゲームメディアからコーエーテクモの最新ニュース...
[ ゲーム ]
◇大人気バトルファンタジー「FAIRY TAIL」◇ ◇最新アプリが登場!◇ ◆お馴染みのキャラが大量登場!◆ ナツやルーシィ、グレイ、エルザ等の主要キャラは もちろんの事、マカオやビスカ、ボラなどのレアな キャラまでも登場! リリース時から使用可能キャラ数はなんと70体以上!自分だけのドリームチームを作ろう! 新たなキャラクターも続々追加! ◆フル3Dでド派手なアクション!◆ ゲーム中のバトルはフル3Dのキャラ大暴れ!! ナツの「火竜の咆哮」「火竜の鉄拳」をはじめ、 作品に登場する様々な魔法がド派手な演出で登場! 更に、ララバイをはじめとする超巨大な敵も登場...
[ 旅行 ]
"Don't Fly Without This App" WSJ • App of The Year Finalist • Apple Design Award Winner • Made for passengers first No-credit-card free trial. No account or email required. ▶ WORLD'S FASTEST DELAY ALERTS - 2-90 minutes faster than most airlines - 24-48 hours faster cancellation and schedule change alerts - Always be the first to know, with no effort ▶ INDUSTRY-FIRST FEATURES - See WHY you're flight is delayed - 25-hour where's my plane - Private friends/family following - Pilot-Grade FAA data and Eurocontrol data - Delay forecas...
[ ゲーム ]
Calling all dog lovers and escape puzzle champs! Forget boring dog games - Dog Escape is a hilarious, tail-wagging puzzle adventure where you become the coolest, smartest pup around! Dog Escape is easy to play and tons of fun for everyone, no matter how old you are! Download Dog Escape now and join the Great Escape Puzzle Journey! Get ready for non-stop laughs and tail-wagging fun! Download Dog Escape now! P.S. Check out our other cool and easy games too!
[ ゲーム ]
SNAKE XTREME STRIKES BACK! Think you got top game? Spread the word about the competition, challenge your friends, show them who is the best :) Challenging, but anybody can play them and win! Game rated Gold Well worth it for any fans of Snake. One of the best all around games I’ve seen thus far! The makers of Snake XT have really done the game proud, creating a new Snake that is visually appealing, exciting, and just all around tons of fun. www.iphoneworld.ca - Canada This app deserves 5 stars all the way. Best thing too is the...
[ ゲーム ]
Taking inspiration from classic games of the past and fusing them with explosive graphics, intense, powerful music and Accelerometer tilt controls, we get Hyper Snake! Climb to the top of the online scoreboards, competing against players across the world over six challenging and addictive game modes: - War Use your tail to obliterate waves of enemies and devour cells to extend your life time. - Survive Battle against the clock, consuming cells to extend your tail and life time. Match multiple colors in sequence to increase your ...
[ ゲーム ]
UPDATED and IMPROVED!! – New controls, new ride zones, new challenges. Ride the ramps and stick those trixx as you ride with Coco Foxx and Air Jesus sticking Decade Airs and Tail whips. Featuring 56 different challenges, across 8 different ride zones, unlocking new stunts and new riders as you progress. *Now with access to your own music (iPod library music) and OPENFIENT Achievements so you can compete with your friends. FEATURE LIST: • MODES: Grab the challenges and unlock the ride zones, Pass n Play to challenge friend...
[ スポーツ ]
★雑誌トランスワールド スノーボーディング ジャパンによるハウツーアプリ!★ ★有名プロによる100トリックの動画、フォト、解説があなたの手の中に!★ ★iPhoneを横にすると動画スタート!★ スノーボーダーにとって最も使い勝手のいいアプリを作るべく、プロスノーボーダー、編集者、開発者でアプリの設計を徹底的にリサーチ。スキー場でリフトに乗りながらでも簡単にハウツーをチェックし、即座に自分の滑りに反映させられるハウツーアプリを作りました。 ★主な特徴 ・雑誌トランスワールド スノーボーディング ジャパンによるハウツーアプリ。 ・有名プロによる100トリックを収...
[ ゲーム ]
★★ 그 동안 경험하지 못한 새로운 리얼 비행 슈팅게임의 세계가 열립니다! ★★ ★ 오픈 한정! 썬더스트라이크 20개 증정 !! ★ 주중엔 깜짝 이벤트! 주말마다 아이템 이벤트가 기다립니다 ^^ 무작정 부수고 피하는 단순한 비행 슈팅은 가라! 파이터 조작 플레이의 기술에 따라 확실하게 점수차가 나오는 '조종 기술력'을 연마하여 하늘의 영웅이 되어보세요! ■ 게임특징 ★ 아~ 어떤 파이터로 출격하지? 선택의 고민을 안겨주는 다양한 파이터 제공! 기본 파이터로 경험과 돈을 모아 좋은 파이터로 갈아타보세요. HP와 속도, 무기 종류를 잘 고르면 고득점의 길이 눈앞에 ...
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