フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ライフスタイル ]
Join the movement! Highlights - Reminds you to pray twice daily at 7:14 AM and 7:14 PM. - Share your prayer requests publicly with others. - Pray alongside others as you see their prayer requests come in. - Global view offers a unique perspective into the world-wide prayer network. - One or both reminders can be turned off. It is a simple concept - remember to pray twice daily at 7:14 AM and 7:14 PM. Join with others around the world in prayer as each time zone prays together at 7:14. This app uses iOS notification center to se...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Twice As Hard Trainer forms part of a comprehensive suite of apps that dedicate to technical learning tools for close-up magicians. Twice as Hard Trainer addresses those who are familiar with the concepts related to Aronson, Tamariz, Nikolas in general, and the Twice as Hard plot in specific. If you know what these names relate to, and you apply the according techniques, then this app will help you stay tuned and inspired. A radical slim design. Cycle through the logical phases of the challenges at hand. Name it the 'virtual sp...
[ ゲーム ]
Quick reflexes, multi-tasking ability and a good eye are what you'll need for this exciting new game. Control your characters and make sure they don't get hit by any of the moving vehicles, or you're out! With vehicles coming from both directions, and 2 characters to control, you will need all your concentration and skills to keep them alive. How long can you last for? See if you can beat your friends. Feature - Twice the challenge and twice the enjoyment - Challenge your friends with game centre integration - Go for longe...
[ ゲーム ]
『クイズ村 for TWICE』はファン必見の無料クイズアプリです。 全国のファンとクイズで対戦!総選挙で推しメンをランキング1位に押し上げろ! ファンなら知ってて当然? 曲名当てクイズからメンバーに関するクイズ等 バラエティーに富んだクイズをお楽しみください。 収録問題数は6000問以上!! ●クイズの難易度は4段階! ・やさしい ・ふつう ・むずかしい ・激ムズ ●ユーザーランキング機能搭載! あなたは全国何位?クイズで獲得したポイントはユーザーランキングに反映されます。全国のファンとクイズ対決! ●推しメン設定&総選挙搭載! お好きなメンバーを推しメン...
[ ゲーム ]
Think you have what it takes to be a World War II general? Put your decision-making skills to the test in SIEGE: World War II. FEATURES -Battle against real players in epic PvP duels -Build the perfect deck to crush your opponents -Unlock, collect, and upgrade powerful troops and tactics cards -Join or form clans to share cards and dominate the leaderboards -Earn prestige tiers to gain early access to unreleased cards -Experience stunning graphics and beautiful card art -Compete with players around the world to top seasonal leade...
[ ゲーム ]
WARNING! HIGHLY ADDICTIVE GAMING CONTENT! “Graphically, Jump O’Clock utilizes a beautiful steampunk style that is both visually appealing and quite fitting for the environment in which the game occurs.” - App Smile 5/5 "one of the most polished and easy-to-play platform jumpers on the iPhone" - TouchGen 4/5 ____________________________________ Playing Jump O'Clock can lead to severely extended sessions of gameplay! Take control of the lovable steampunk robot LE0 and jump from gear to gear while avoiding hazards in an endless up...
[ ニュース ]
TWICEファン必見! トゥワイスに特化した最新ニュース情報をお届けしています。 最新ニュース、情報のまとめ、ライブ情報から小ネタもまとめてお届け! タブを自由に選択並び替えできるので、見たい情報にすぐアクセスでき情報収集の効率化ができるアプリならではの機能も搭載しています。 また、情報交換できる掲示板機能も搭載しています。 ライブ情報や雑談など、全国のファン同士で気になる話題で盛り上がりましょう。 更に、即座にメモを残したい場合に利用できるメモ機能を追加しました。 情報収集で整理したいときに利用できます。 ◆◆アプリの特徴◆◆ ・動画を続け...
[ ゲーム ]
Combat Skies has a MONSTER upgrade: * FREE upgrade to training campaign from one level to THREE levels * FREE upgrade to existing InApp with TWICE as many levels and TWICE as many planes * NEW Game Center achievements, leader boards, challenges and multiplayer - share the fun * NEW optimization for iPhone 5 and iPod touch 5th gen wide screens - they look and play great * NEW look with stunningly realistic graphics * NEW enemy targets bombing * NEW radar to locate and identify friend and foe * NEW throttle and rudder controls * NEW...
[ ゲーム ]
Clash with your opponents in head-to-head duels in this Military PvP Card game against real players from all over the world in realistic battles. Make strategic decisions, lead military operations, build powerful decks with unique cards, and withstand the tough competition to top the seasonal leaderboards. Think you have what it takes to fight the Scarlet Brigade? Put your decision-making military skills to the test in SIEGE: Apocalypse. • Battle against real players in epic PvP duels • Build the perfect deck to siege and cru...
[ ゲーム ]
DoongDoongd diving episode was recreated diving game @@@ Select character @@@ DoongDoong, Wood, Charming, Keaton, Toy - You can select and play one among 5 characters. @ Character has a unique ability • DoongDoong - Rookie : 1m height. No limit of twist and ratation. Basically the best playable character. • Wood - Rolling Jumbo : 2m height. No limit of twist. • Charming Legendary twister : 3m height. She needs a lot of twist than other character. • Keaton - Banana Killer : 4m height. Abaillable character at the moon level. Keaton...
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