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[ 仕事効率化 ]
紙で運用されている図面や報告書をiPadへ簡単に取り込み、 記入報告がスピーディに行えるようになります。 ■特徴 ・普段使っている紙の図面や報告書をそのまま電子化。 ・PDFはもちろん、様々な形式に対応。(※1) ・記入した内容は、その場でメール送信可能。 記入した内容をメールで即座に送れるので素早く情報共有できます。 ■操作感 ・紙の図面に直接手書きする感覚を重視。 これにより既存の運用方法からすぐに馴染むことができます。 ※1 -------------------- PDF、JPEG、PNG、TIFF(マルチTIFFを除く) パスワード付PDFは未対応です。 -----...
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[ ビジネス ]
Supports ioS10, iOS9, iOS8 iOS7, iOS6 and iPhone 6,7, iPhone 6,7 Plus, iPhone 5 , iPad mini, iPad Air!! = Featured in the App Store's "What's Hot" list = = Featured in the App Store's "New & Noteworthy" list = > Opens all winmail.dat files You can perform following on contents on winmail.dat attachment - Saving image file in Camera role folder, in photo album - Share image using twitter, Facebook, weibo - Assign image to contact - forwarding opened files/documents using mail - Printing documents - opening single files in externa...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Do you need to convert your PSD file to another file? Convert PSD to PNG? PSD to PDF? Convert your PSD file easily and completely free of charge (No additional costs) Make your PSD image files easy to view by converting them into other formats. This conversion application allows you to convert any PSD image file to other files like PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, WEBP, DDS, JXR, TIFF, EPS and BMP, it can also convert other files to PSD. No limit on conversions or exaggerated waiting times and totally free! Main features of PSD Convert...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Lexmark Print lets you send documents and images directly from your mobile device to a Lexmark printer connected to your network. When you are ready to print, simply share the file with Lexmark Print. When prompted, choose an available printer. If necessary, you can also add a printer through network search, QR code discovery, or by manually typing the printer IP address, host name, or URL. Lexmark Print lets you set a variety of print options, including the number of copies, two-sided printing, and the number of pages per side f...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Do you need to convert your WEBP file into another file? Convert WEBP to GIF? WEBP to JPG? Convert your WEBP file easily and completely free of charge (No additional costs) Make your WEBP image files easy to view by converting them into other formats. This conversion application allows you to convert any WEBP image file to other files like PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, DDS, JXR, PSD, TIFF, EPS, BMP and ICO, it can also convert other files to WEBP. No limit on conversions or exaggerated waiting times and totally free! Main features o...
[ 写真 ]
Multi-Step Resizing. Batch stamping or Image and text(and EXIF) signature. Batch resizing. Supported formats : PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, SVG, PSD, GIF... to JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF 사진의 다단계 리사이징이 가능합니다. 사진에 이미지나 텍스트 서명를 넣을 수 있습니다. 여러 파일을 한꺼번에 리사이징 할 수 있습니다.
[ グラフィック&デザイン ]
*** Now 50% off for our huge Black Friday sale! Valid until the end of Cyber Monday! Live Interior 3D Pro is a powerful and intuitive home and interior design catered to professional interior designers while remaining intuitive enough for users looking to simply redesign their home. The app is also available in Standard Edition. Enhanced for the MacBook Pro with Retina Display Key Features ● Create detailed 2D floor plans. ● Beautiful real-time 3D rendering. ● Build an unlimited amount of stories. ● Apply materials, move objec...
[ ユーティリティ ]
This is a simple yet powerful app that lets you convert several formats into PDF including MS Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint (pptx only)), RTF, HTML, JPG, PNG, TXT. Doc2PDF also lets you convert PDF to Word (RTF), TXT or JPG. You can also merge multiple PDF files into one and save a web page as a PDF. Supported file formats - Microsoft Word (doc, docx) - Microsoft Excel (xls, xlsx) - Microsoft PowerPoint (pptx) - Rich text format (rtf) - Hypertext Markup Language (htm, html) - Postscript (ps) - Plain text (txt) - JPEG ...
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