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[ 仕事効率化 ]
An easy-to-use task (to-do) management application with gorgeous UI. The overall application workflow has been optimized to make to-do adding and editing as efficient and fast as possible. Just Task targets on what is essential for the casual users. The application isn't limited to just one to-do list. Users can create as many to-do lists as they need. Thanks to that the related to-dos can be grouped together into lists of things to do - shopping list, tasks to complete before vacation, books to buy. If you have any feature reque...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Quickly and easily set up new projects, assign and share tasks, add comments and notes, share file library and calendar, send and receive notifications. All data is synchronized across all your team members and devices. Work seamlessly on many different platforms including Desktop, Mobile, iPhone, iPad. Because of Hitask’s extensive project and task management features and ease of use, it is the task management tool of choice for more than 700,000 customers since 2006. Hitask is highly secure and conforms to enterprise level secur...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Task is simply the most capable To Do list manager available for iPhone. Here's how you can use Task to get on top of your To Do list: - Add, edit and delete To Do items - Enter Categories and Priorities - As you add new items, they are marked "Needed" - Tap on the Need tab, then check off items as you complete them. Unlike other To Do apps, Task lets you easily backup and sync lists with your PC or Mac using SplashShopper iPhone Desktop (www.splashdata.com/iphone). Many users create and manage lists on a PC or Mac and then sync...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Chaos Control is a personal organizer that will help you manage your goals, to-do lists and tasks in both your business and personal life. People don't usually achieve impressive results simply by being good at task management. It's the ability to set legitimate goals that makes the difference. Just write down your desired outcomes to make them real. This simple technique helps you to prioritize your goals before acting on them. Chaos Control is a task manager based on the best ideas of GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology crea...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Task Office は仕事を整理整頓するお手伝いをします。 業務関連のデータをすべて一か所にまとめます: タスク、プロジェクト、連絡先、会社、予定、メモ、カレンダー – 指先ひとつで確認できます。 -------------特長 ------------- 素早く、わかりやすいナビゲーション • 新しい一日を始めるにはホーム画面から。今日作業するタスクと今後のタスクの概要が記載されたタイムライン • 探しているものがすぐに見つかります。 Task Office Pro は、アプリの画面内をタップするだけでナビゲートできるように設計されています。 独自のタブ • 異なる種類のタスクを追加: - ToDo ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Taskify is a flexible, elegant and easy-to-use task management application for your iPhone. It has powerful functions and beautiful user interface. Taskify allows you creating simple todo list, or having multiple complex projects or checklists. It helps you figure out anything you need to do quickly and easily. Key features: √ Categorize tasks into folders, tags and stars so that you can manage your tasks quickly and easily √ All your actions can be completed in the main page. Excessive taps minimized. √ Set any kind of task...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Need to keep track of the exact time you spend on tasks at work or on personal projects? Sessions is your answer! Sessions provides an innovative way of looking at your utilization across tasks, allowing you to log every individual piece of work that you perform towards completing a particular objective. Create a task and start a session assigned to that task. Perform your work, and then close your session with optional notes about the work performed. Need to perform more work on that task? Simply initiate another session. Sessio...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
毎日をもっと充実させたい、自己成長を感じたい。そんな思いを抱えていませんか?実は、多くの学生や社会人が同じ悩みを抱えています。時間は有限であり、効果的に使いたいと思っていても、具体的な計画を立てるのは難しいものです。 1年前の自分を思い出してみてください。同じような悩みを抱えていませんでしたか?もしこのまま何もしなければ、来年も同じ場所に立ち止まったままかもしれません。それはとてももったいないことです。 でも安心してください。「Task Planner with AI」がその悩みを解決します。 このアプリは、あなたの曖昧な目標や願望を、AIが具体的なタス...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Do. Beautiful and easy task management. Do is designed to be the easiest to use powerful task manager with a clean interface. It focusses on quick task input to speed up your workflow. Whether you use it as a simple todo list or GTD-management tool, Do can provide in both user preferences. "Overall, Do lives up to what it claims to be: a simple and useful task management app. With a clean interface and multiple features, you’re sure to be productive using Do." - AppAdvice, ★★★★ "Do is a definite DO from us." - ReviewMe FEATURE...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Taskify is a flexible, elegant and easy-to-use task management application for your iPhone. It has powerful functions and beautiful user interface. Taskify allows you creating simple todo list, or having multiple complex projects or checklists. It helps you figure out anything you need to do quickly and easily. Key features: √ Categorize tasks into folders, tags and stars so that you can manage your tasks quickly and easily √ All your actions can be completed in the main page. Excessive taps minimized. √ Set any kind of task...
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