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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
¡Identifique las aves españolas atraves de sus sonidos! Se ha preguntado alguna vez „¿Que tipo de ave es la que canta?” "Canto Aves Id de España" es la ayuda perfecta para reconocer rápida y fácilmente el ave por medio de sus sonidos o sus llamados. Lo especial: Para determinar exactamente al ave no se necesitan conocimientos previos u ornitológicos. Un entretenimiento completo y educativo para toda la familia y también para los niños Eso puede hacerse en 3 maneras diferentes: 1. Función automática de reconocimiento de voz ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Reptile Id will help you identify every single species of reptile and amphibian of the British Isles. No. 3 in BBC Countryfile's top 10 smartphone apps. Herptile Id is an easy to use but comprehensive field guide. All native species and introduced species are covered. Have you ever seen a lizard basking on an old stone wall, or seen a snake slither away through the grass ? If you have, you will know the excitement of seeing some of our lesser known wildlife. Have you found a frog in the garden, or seen newts in the local pond ? ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The guide has been created by professional published ecologists working alongside members of the Hardy Orchid Society. SUNBIRD field guides come highly recommended having had guides in BBC Countryfile's top 10 and the Guardian Green Living top 10 apps. The apps have been described as "Incredibly useful" by ITV's Seth Conway and "Lovely" by the Guardian. Have you ever been on a walk in the countryside and experienced the excitement of finding a wild orchid? Orchid Id is a great tool to help you quickly and easily identify species....
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Met de vogelgids "Vogels van Nederland en België" kunt u alle in Nederland en België voorkomende vogelsoorten leren kennen en determineren. De gratis versie bevat de meest voorkomende soorten en kan worden uitgebreid met betaalde abonnementen, die op elk moment kunnen worden opgezegd. Deze veldgids, uitgegeven door het gerenommeerde Vogelinformatiecentrum op Texel, is uitstekend geschikt voor zowel beginnende als gevorderde vogelaars. Met de gratis versie van de app krijgt u al een inhoudelijk uitgebreid pakket van alle 320 meest ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
*** Vogel Id Schweiz ist ein Vogelbestimmungsführer der häufigsten 115 Vogelarten in der Schweiz mit allen Vogelstimmen. *** Siehe auch: den Feldführer "Alle Vögel Schweiz" - dieser umfasst alle 416 Arten der Schweiz. Anders als andere Vogelführer liegt diesem Vogel App ein von promovierten Ornithologen entwickeltes Bestimmungsschema zugrunde welches durch die Beantwortung von 7 Fragen tatsächlich zum gewünschten Vogel und der Auswahl ähnlicher Arten führt. Für alle Vögel sind die dazu gehörigen Stimmen mit dabei! So lassen sich...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Also Barbuda, Montserrat, Sint Eustatius, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Barthélemy and Saba. It encompasses common birds but also all migrants, vagrants, and established introduced species. This bilingual (English and Spanish) app provides at your fingertips a mini-encyclopedia with extensive text as well as visual and audio resources. Each species is represented by an individual species account featuring a total of 2,570 superb images depicting distinct plumages including variations and subspecies, distribution maps, and bird so...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Dieser Pilzführer ist der ideale Begleiter zum Pilze bestimmen in der Natur! Die Artauswahl umfasst die häufigsten und am einfachsten zu unterscheidenden 100 Pilze in 400 Fotos. So ist diese App gerade auch für Pilz-Anfänger geeignet. *** Oft ist die Bedienung einer Natur App kompliziert - nicht bei unseren bewährten SUNBIRD-Apps - die übersichtliche und einfache Menuführung sowie die hervorragenden Fotos zeichnet auch diese App aus! Auf seltene Arten die bei der Bestimmung nur verwirren, wurde bei dieser App bewusst verzichtet....
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
*** with Automatic Photo Recognition *** in this stunning guide to identifying Wild Flowers of the British Isles. Identification can be enjoyed by the whole family and will bring you closer to the natural world around you. For the enthusiast there is anatomical, ecological and taxonomic information too. Wild Flower Id can be used to keep a log of your flower sightings making it easy to build a record of all the flowers you've seen. Wild Flower Id has been created by professional published ecologists, and uses a propriety image li...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Look no further: 544 species, select your destination country and the app will only display the occurring animals in your region. Play animal sounds, browse and identify animals, create and share lists! The Golden Safari Guide is the only serious app available for going on a Safari Tour! TRAVEL AFRICA magazine writes: "...'an absolute novelty' the Golden Safari Guide app is afun interactive resource for everyone from the safari novice to the experienced guide." Also highly recommended by the "African Dreamtravel" Blog. Having s...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Based on David Wagner’s renowned Princeton field guide Caterpillars of Eastern North America, this exciting new app is the ultimate digital pocket guide for quickly and easily identifying the most common native caterpillar species in Eastern North America—and for keeping a personalized log of your sightings! Covering 576 species and featuring more than 1,200 superb color images, the app is also useful for identifying caterpillars in the whole of southern Canada, parts of the Pacific Northwest, and, at a generic level, in most of th...
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