フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ メディカル ]
Konectom Suiteアプリケーションには、歩行、器用さ、認知に関する検査からなる、神経障害を有する治験参加者の自己評価が含まれています。 製品の適格性は、製品および地域によって異なり、ログイン後にのみ表示されるラベルに詳述されます。 Konectomアプリケーションをダウンロードするには、13歳以上であることが必要です。 参加者は、屋内または屋外でKonectom Suiteアプリケーションを使用することで、以下を評価する簡単な活動を行います: - ボールをつまむ、図形を描くなどの器用さの技術 - バランスや歩行などの...
[ 教育 ]
Type Suite makes typing easier - and faster! Believe it or not, three letters Q, X, and Z make up less than 1% of the keys you type. So we put those letters - and the numbers - on a second keyboard. That way, every other key on your main keyboard becomes FIFTY-TWO percent bigger. That means they’re twice as easy to hit! You'll be amazed that you make so many fewer mis-hits! And how typing quickly becomes so much less frustrating than ever before. Especially if you have motor issues or disabilities. Use Type Suite for every a...
[ ファイナンス ]
Avec Suite Mobile de Natixis CIB, pilotez votre logiciel « Suite Entreprise » depuis votre mobile. Vous avez accès aux services suivants : - Consultez les soldes et écritures de l’ensemble de vos comptes dans toutes vos banques gérées dans votre logiciel « Suite Entreprise » - Visualisez et validez l’envoi de l’ensemble de vos remises bancaires - Contactez votre banque par mail ou par téléphone Suite Mobile, Suite Mobile Natixis CIB, Suite Entreprise Mobile
[ ビジネス ]
Suite Trade Sdn Bhd is principally involved in property investment, real estate businesses, financial services that provides SME loan solutions, business advisory which includes Small Medium Enterprise (SME) companies and corporate companies. Suite Trade Sdn Bhd’s aim for the next 3 years is to be a household name in Klang Valley as well as in peninsular Malaysia. In line with the company’s mission, we are constantly enhancing our services and improving our operational deliveries to our clients and customers. Going forward, we w...
[ 教育 ]
Reado Suite is an essential tool to work on reading skills with children presenting with reading or learning difficulties. This 2-in-1 application includes the Reado application and the Reado Flash application (see their respective descriptions below). With Reado Suite you benefit from a common database for both applications. So, all personalized lists created for one application are available for the other application. To learn with pleasure, each application has its own reinforcement game. ** Reado ** Created by two Speech...
[ 写真 ]
Put the perfect finishing touch on your photos and create extraordinary images with Perfect Photo Suite 7. Easy-to-use tools allow you to enhance and stylize your images with 100s of creative effects, develop stunning black and white images, retouch portraits, replace backgrounds, combine the best parts of multiple images, and enlarge your images for print. You'll have everything you'll need to solve the most common problems in digital photography, maximize your creativity and realize your photographic vision. Perfect Photo Suite...
[ ミュージック ]
Tombooks révolutionne le monde de la partition musicale et vous propose une nouvelle manière d’apprendre la musique. La partition interactive Tombooks tourne automatiquement les pages pour vous et s’adapte à votre niveau pour rendre votre apprentissage plus efficace et ludique! Dans l’application Play Fauré – Berceuse, nous proposons à tous les pianistes une expérience unique en jouant la première pièce de la Suite Dolly Opus 56 au piano : LE STUDIO vous permet d’apprendre le morceau de manière efficace et rapide. Avec la partit...
[ ビジネス ]
WebCon Business Process Suite Mobile Access lets you access your documents and workflow tasks on the go! The application connects to the document management and workflow system based on WebCon Business Process Suite, allowing you to browse, accept or reject pending requests, orders, invoices, agreements and other document types, as well as access your scanned incoming post* also when you’re out of office, directly on your iPhone! The application enables: · browsing through documents assigned to the user (requests, invoices, corr...
[ ビジネス ]
Die iQ.Suite Clerk App ist Teil der E-Mail-Management Lösung iQ.Suite für IBM Domino und iQ.Suite für Microsoft Exchange/Office 365 von GBS. Mit der App wird ab sofort mobiles Abwesenheitsmanagement möglich. So können Sie beispielsweise bei Krankheit oder Urlaub, Ihre Abwesenheitsnotiz auf Smartphone oder Tablet aktivieren. Und das, ohne dafür im Unternehmen am Arbeitsplatz sein zu müssen. Mit der App stehen Ihnen die wichtigsten iQ.Suite Clerk Funktionen zur Verfügung: Abwesenheiten aktivieren und deaktivieren Zeitraum der Abwese...
[ スポーツ ]
With "Logbook Suite PhoneTools" you get the digital logbook "Logbook Lite" as well as some of the modules/add-ons of "Logbook Suite", the popular software package for sailors and powerboaters for Mac, Windows and iPad in an iPhone version. These are: - BoardCash - Budget - FirstAid Kit and - Inventory. You can use "Logbook Suite PhoneTools" both as a standalone app and as a complement to "Logbook Suite". The modules of "Logbook Suite PhoneTools" were developed for the needs of sailors and power boaters, but some are just as su...
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