フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Instaview allows you to view Instagram photos and be connected to the Instagram community. Create one or more windows, each with its own Instagram photostream. Turn on a slideshow for each window if you'd like. Choose an elegant frame, a simple border or no frame at all for each window to create whatever arrangement you desire. Whether or not you've chosen a frame that displays information about the photo, you can mouse over the image to see an overlay of all the basic information for the photo. Click to see who's liked or com...
[ ミュージック ]
Subsonic Radio is an application that lets you easily pick and listen to the radio streams from http://subsonicradio.com. Features: • 112 minute sleep timer; automatically turn off the music for you (soon) • Sparklies! • Background audio playback enabled! • Select from all available Subsonic Radio streams • See what tracks are currently playing on most streams Note: this app is not an official Subsonic Radio application. The author however did work closely with the maintainers of http://subsonicradio.com. Fonts (Waltograph, Kem...
[ ビジネス ]
Merged Reality and Virtual Interaction — digitally merge two real-time views, blending local and remote collaborative video streams to give or receive interactive help anywhere. Instantly. Help Lightning offers the most practical and useful application of Augmented Reality available in the App Store. Help Lightning delivers patented, merged reality, and virtual interactive presence technologies for users needing help solving problems currently across 50 countries. Mobile merged reality and virtual interaction allows digital mergin...
[ ミュージック ]
Spreeradio : Die besten Songs von den 80ern bis heute Streams: Musik für jeden Geschmack und jede Stimmung… Zusätzlich zum Live-Programm bieten wir Dir fünf verschiedene Webradios – 80er, Black, Rock, Love + Weihnachtsradio! Übrigens, über AirPlay kannst du unsere Inhalte auch zuhause auf der Musikanlage genießen. Songs direkt bestellen: Du kannst Deine Lieblingssongs aus unseren Streams sofort im iTunes Store ordern! News on Demand: Wir informieren Berlin! Bei uns verpasst Du nichts - die aktuellsten Spreeradio-Nachrichten kann...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Inside Online – Watch your favourite Inside Flow & Inside Yoga classes and workshop online! Why practice the Inside way? Why do we challenge traditional yoga practices? Why do our teacher trainings emphasize science? Why do we embrace change? Simply put, change is the essence of life, and yoga evolves with us. Our mission with Inside Flow & Inside Yoga is to empower you to live healthier and happier on physical, mental, and emotional levels. We believe that happiness starts from within! Exclusive Content At Inside Online, we offe...
[ エンターテインメント ]
If you like Chicago, you will love Chicago Radio Live. No need to download or synch your songs. Listen to music and news radio stations live using your WiFi or data connection. Chicago Radio Live has a simple intuitive "car radio style" user-interface with over 20 great Chicago and metropolitan area radio stations, even some TV audio streams, and more great stations will be added in future releases. It supports multitasking and can play radio stations in the background. Custom stations can be added as well. Bluetooth supported: Y...
[ エンターテインメント ]
** SmartPlay is a Safari Web Extension that gives you extra control and functions (e.g., Video Effects, Playback Speed, Custom Subtitles, Auto-Skip Intros, IMDB Ratings, etc.) when you're watching video streams on popular websites. ** For iPhone: Supports YouTube, Twitch, iQIYI, etc. ** For iPad: Supports Netflix, YouTube, Prime Video, Twitch, iQIYI, etc. ** It's easy to use and doesn't track you or collect any personal information. Just play your favorite movie, TV show, or video, and a new control panel will appear on top of ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The Carrington App(a.k.a. Disaster Prediction App) will show you the current state of the sun, it's effects on earth, earthquake events, and areas of the earth likely to have large earthquakes. Carrington offers 80+ solar video streams, 30+ real time data feeds and the fastest alerts for when to pay attention - but most importantly this is your in-hand warning system if the sun ever decides to send Earth another Carrington event. If we are about to take the big storm that changes the world forever, you’ll know about it beforehand...
[ エンターテインメント ]
+++ Der neue Live TV V4 Mega Player ist da +++ Mit Live TV deutsches und internationales Fernsehen live streamen – wo und wann Du willst. Egal ob am Sofa, im Garten, in der Küche oder im Bett. Einfach überall. Wähle dazu aus über 200 verschiedene Streams, wenn verfügbar sogar in HD/720p oder HD/1080p. Fernsehen streamen unterwegs, trotz begrenztem Datenvolumen? Unterwegs unkompliziert auf einen geringen Datenverbrauch umschalten und so live fernsehen auch in Bus, Bahn oder in der Natur genießen. Du kannst die Qualität der Strea...
[ ユーティリティ ]
The best media converter in iOS! You wish you could convert any media file to another format on your iPhone/iPad? You wish you could extract audio streams or video streams from a media file on your iPhone/iPad? That is the work MConverter to do! MConverter ALSO CAN PLAY any format medias. FREE VESION REFER HERE https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mconverter-free-medias-converter/id719574139?ls=1&mt=8 ◆Supported File Format Extension •XVID/DIVX AVI, MP4, VOB, ASF, 3GP, FLV, WMV, RMVB, MPEG, H264, MKV, TS, M2TS... most of all m...
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