フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Learn to meditate and be more mindful with the award-winning Stop Breathe Think, formerly known as MyLife Meditation. Stop Breathe Think is a meditation and mindfulness app that offers daily wellness check-ins and suggests activities personalized to how you feel. Learn to maintain perspective through your mental and physical wellness journey. Develop simple habits so you can get to a better place in just a few minutes a day. Meditation and mindfulness exercises will lead you on a path to “wind-down” with us and help you relieve st...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Out of eggs? Send an egg carton sticker as a reminder. There’s a sticker for all of your grocery essentials. Introducing the FREE go-to sticker pack for your go-to grocery store! It includes seasonal, food-related and Stop & Shop-branded stickers.   Download the Stop & Shop Sticker Pack today and start sending messages that stick!
[ スポーツ ]
Stop&Go è il punto di riferimento d'informazione nel mondo dell'automobilismo sportivo: notizie, report, servizi televisivi e foto di tutti i principali campionati delle quattro ruote da competizione; dalla Formula 1 al Karting, passando per rally, gare di durata e corse americane. Risultati, classifiche, albi d'oro, anteprime esclusive, scoop, ma anche Tv e Web Tv. Scarica la nostra app gratuita per iPhone e iPad per tenerti costantemente aggiornato con gli updates pubblicati ogni minuto e goditi tutte le news, foto e video curat...
[ ニュース ]
Gratuit ! Non Stop People première chaîne d’information 100% people en Europe se décline sur iPad. Déjà fortement présente sur le web grâce à www.non-stop-people.com, Non Stop People chaîne de télévision diffusée exclusivement sur CanalSat (canal 47) vous propose désormais son application iPad. Du lundi au dimanche, téléchargez à 18h30 votre édition magazine du jour. Quotidiennement, Non Stop People : Le Mag, vous propose le meilleur de l’actualité people sur votre tablette et en vidéo : • L’interview du jour • Le Buzz du jour • ...
[ ミュージック ]
Radio Stop - La radio pop è sempre con te sul tuo I-Phone o sul tuo I-Pad, con i piu' grandi successi pop del momento e di tutti i tempi! Scarica l'App di Radio Stop, entra nel mondo dei radiostoppisti e interagisci con noi nelle nostre dirette. Attenzione: ricorda di controllare il tuo piano tariffario prima di utilizzare il servizio, utilizza il traffico dati.
[ ビジネス ]
The Shoe Stop App is an easy-to-use, free mobile app created to stay informed and connected with us every day through a variety of great features. This fantastic interactive app provides you with the following innovative features: -Quick Contact- Quick contact features including click-to-call, map directions, and e-mail. -Share- Easy to share with Friends on Facebook & Twitter with a press of a button. - Deals/Coupons - Get exclusive Deals/Coupons via this app to save big daily. - In App Messaging - Use In-App Messaging to have re...
[ ビジネス ]
1-Stop is the leader in connecting the port community. Our products help optimise your business and this app makes it easier for you to connect with members from our community anywhere, anytime. Download 1-Stop to know immediately about the activities at the terminals and find out which timezones are being serviced and when.
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Stop Motion Studioを手に入れよう。世界で一番簡単なアプリで、ストップモーション映画制作を始めよう! ウォレスとグルミット」やYouTubeにアップされているレゴのショートムービーのような作品を作ってみませんか?ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースとパワフルな編集ツールで、あなたのイマジネーションに命を吹き込み、あなたの作品を世界中と共有することができます。初心者にもプロにも最適なStop Motion Studioアプリは、魅力的なアニメーションを作成するための究極のツールです。今すぐダウンロードして、アニメーションを始めましょう! ********************...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
** Someone stops smoking every five minutes with Smoke Free ** This is the app that science built. Over 40 different, evidence-based, techniques will help you get - and stay - smoke free. See and celebrate how long you’ve been quit, how your health is improving how much money you're saving, how many cigarettes you've not smoked, how much life you've regained, and more. Get tips on dealing with cravings, use the map to see where they congregate, add notes to see what patterns can be identified and use the graph to see how they're...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Stop Motion Studioを手に入れよう。世界で一番簡単なアプリで、ストップモーション映画制作を始めよう! ウォレスとグルミット」やYouTubeにアップされているレゴのショートムービーのような作品を作ってみませんか?ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースとパワフルな編集ツールで、あなたのイマジネーションに命を吹き込み、あなたの作品を世界中と共有することができます。初心者にもプロにも最適なStop Motion Studioアプリは、魅力的なアニメーションを作成するための究極のツールです。今すぐダウンロードして、アニメーションを始めましょう! ********************...
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